Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Accept or revoke a solution

If you’ve posted a question to a discussion, you can choose the reply that best answers your question and mark it as an accepted solution. Marking a reply as a solution not only lets someone know that they helped solve your issue but also helps future members with the same question quickly find an answer to it.

Note: Admins and moderators can also mark replies as solutions. If you later find a reply that is a better solution, you can revoke the current solution and accept the other reply as the solution.

To mark a solution as accepted:

Click Mark as Solution on the reply.

After you mark a reply as a solution, the original question is marked as Solved and the reply is tagged with Marked as Solution. The accepted solution appears right below the original post as well as in its original position.


  • There can be only one solution for a discussion.
  • When you migrate from Community Classic to Aurora, all the accepted solutions are retained, including cases in which there are multiple solutions marked. However, after migration, you cannot mark any other reply as a solution. To do that, you must first revoke the original accepted solution.

If you change your mind about the quality of the answer, or if another reply provides an even better answer, you can revoke the first selection and accept the second reply.

To revoke an accepted solution:

Click the X next to Marked as Solution to revoke the accepted solution.

The original post and solution return to their normal appearance. You can choose another solution or leave the question unsolved.

Updated 5 months ago
Version 11.0
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