Knowledge Base Article

About Aurora Forums

Forums tap into the most basic level of human interaction: conversations or discussions. Khoros forums generate activity to keep people coming back and generate traffic in the community. This traffic creates a large base of content.

Khoros offers features such as accepted solutions, likes, and Top Content widgets to surface the best content in a community. Using these features, you can identify the jewels of your customer network: your superusers. Generally, superusers are 1% of the community population who make communities work. They are your deepest advocates, product experts, and often your support problem solvers.

Typically, superusers spend hours per day on a community. In fact, we’ve seen superusers who spend 40-50 hours a week in the community, primarily in the forums. Helping others, a natural passion for the community topics, and being part of the community are all important to superusers, but they also like recognition and rewards for their efforts with special ranks and privileges.

The forum is the heart of your community and an essential place to start identifying superusers who play a key role in building your customer network. With forums, you are creating a social fabric.

As part of your pre-launch process, you must discuss your forum strategy with your Community launch team. Generally, you can start out with a small number of forums in the community. You want forum traffic to be active and lively, and creating too many forums to start can dilute the activity and leave some of your forums looking abandoned. Most of your forums will be public, but you will most likely have some private boards as well. This can be useful for internal communication among employees, and also to allow select community members to communicate access to special areas.

Here’s how a forum looks:


From a forum, you can:

Those with admin permissions have additional tasks they can perform related to the following:



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Updated 8 months ago
Version 12.0
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