Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Move comment or reply

In the community, sometimes the comments or replies to a topic are not relevant to the topic or are outside the scope of the topic. As such, you might want to move them to the appropriate topic.

For example, it’s common for community discussions to stray away from the main topic or question as people share ideas and suggestions. Sometimes, a comment someone posts ends up becoming its own discussion that has nothing to do with the main topic. When this happens, you might want to move this off-topic discussion to a more appropriate place in your community.

To help you manage these tasks, you can:

Note: To be able to move comments, you must have a role with the Move content permission.

Move comment or reply to another topic

You can move a comment or reply from a forum discussion, blog post, idea, or KB article to the appropriate location irrespective of any content type. When you move a comment, all the threaded replies to that comment are moved along with the comment and added as new replies in the respective topic.

To move a comment or reply to another topic:

  1. From a blog post, KB article, or discussion, go to the comment or reply that you want to move.
  2. Click Options > Move.

    Move dialog box is displayed, which includes two options such as Move and start as a new discussion and Move to another topic.
  3. Select Move to another topic option and click Move.

    Move Comment dialog box is displayed.

  4. In Destination, search for a post or enter the URL of the post where you want to move the comment.
  5. Select Leave placeholder checkbox to leave a placeholder in the source post indicating that the respective comment has been moved to a new location.
  6. Click Move.
    A confirmation message is displayed indicating that the comment has been moved into a new location.

    You can view that the comments and its threaded replies are added as part of Comments or Replies in the destination post.

    If you select the Leave placeholder checkbox, the below message is displayed in the Reply section of the root post where the reply was added originally,

Move and start as a new discussion from a comment or reply

It’s common for community discussions to stray away from the main topic or question as people share ideas and suggestions. Sometimes, a comment someone posts ends up becoming its own discussion that has nothing to do with the main topic. When this happens, you might want to move this off-topic discussion to a more appropriate place in your community. To help you manage this task, you can start a new discussion from this comment and move to a new location.

You can start a new discussion from a comment or reply and move it to a more appropriate forum. When you start a new discussion, all the threaded replies to that comment or reply are moved along with it and added as new replies in that discussion.

To start a new discussion from comment or reply:

  1. From a blog article or discussion, go to the comment that you want to start a new discussion.
  2. Click Options > Move.
    Move dialog box is displayed, which includes two options such as Move and start as a new discussion and Move to another topic.
  3. Select Move and start as a new discussion and click Move.
    The Start a Discussion page displays.
  4. Select the forum Destination where you want to move the comment.
  5. Enter the Discussion title for the new discussion.
  6. Select Leave placeholder checkbox to leave a placeholder in the source post indicating that the respective comment has been moved to a new location.
  7. Click Move.
    A confirmation message is displayed indicating that the comment has been started as a new discussion.
    You can view the created discussion in the respective forum board and the threaded replies are added as part of Replies to the discussion:


  • When you start a new discussion from a comment, the authors and subscribers of the source or destination boards do not receive any notifications indicating that the comment has been moved and started as a new discussion.
  • When you move a comment that is accepted as a solution, the source post is marked as unresolved.

Related topics:

Updated 9 months ago
Version 12.0
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