Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Edit Group settings

In the Community UI, group Owners and Community Administrators can edit group settings. Administrators can also edit a group in Community Admin.

Edit a Group in the Community UI

  1. Sign in to Community and go to a Group page.
  2. From the Options menu, click Edit Info.

    The Edit Group page is displayed.

  3. From here, you can edit the Name, Description, Avatar, Membership Type, and the Names of the child boards in the group.
  4. Community Administrators can add or remove boards in the group.
    Note: By default, group Owners cannot edit child places in a group. To enable this ability, you can clone the Owner role and set the Add any community-supported boards permission to Grant. See Create a custom group role for instructions.
  5. Click Save.

Edit a Group in Community Admin

To edit a Group in Community Admin:

  1. From the Account menu, go to Settings > Community Structure.
  2. Find the group in the structure, open the Options menu, and click Edit.
  3. Click Edit Info.
  4. From here, you can change the Name, DescriptionGroup Avatar, Group Type, and boards included in the group.
    Note: Board titles within groups must be added and edited in the Community UI.
  5. Click Save.

Additionally, you can change the group’s content-related settings:

  • Content workflow: Enable this option to use the content workflow features for blogs and knowledge bases.
  • File attachments: Define the filename extensions, maximum file size, and maximum number of attachments per for file attachments.
  • Media: Enable this option to allow members to add images to their content.
  • Tags: Enable this option and set tag options to add tags to the content within the group. Learn more about configuring tag options.
  • Invitations: Configure Send invitations via option that allows members to send group invitations either via community inbox (for members only) or email (for both members and non-members).
  • Moderation: Configure moderation settings such as spam management and content moderation defaults at the group level.
Updated 8 months ago
Version 14.0
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