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Comments List Syndication - Create Syndicated Network of Discussion

NoorS's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
5 years ago

Content Syndication is a powerful tool that brings rich community content to other digital properties that you manage. Imagine leveraging authentic, peer-validated discussions on relevant topics from your community onto your website. You can bring product-related peer reviews to the product description pages on your other web platforms and help your end-users make a more informed choice, thereby leading to an increase in site conversions/sales of your products.

In March ‘20, Khoros launched General Message List Syndication, enabling Community Managers to syndicate relevant discussion topics on other web properties. 

Khoros now brings to you Comments List Syndication

You can now surface meaningful discussions from the community directly on to your external websites.

In other words, the discussions happening in the community can be mirrored across other sites and vice-versa. People can actively participate from the external website itself.

The comments list syndication widget amalgamates comments or replies from the community and any external properties where it is embedded and displays them in both places simultaneously. On top of that, the widget is easy to customize to match the location where it is being embedded, and there are many filters to ensure that only the best and most relevant posts are syndicated. 

Comments List Syndication widget capabilities

  • Syndicates forum discussions of an existent topic in the community to external websites
  • Enables external website users to participate in community discussion from external the website
  • Automatically creates a discussion topic in the community from the external website, if the topic does not yet exist in the community

The Comments Syndication widget is an I-frame generated from the Admin panel that includes a text editor and threaded replies. It is a 2-way interaction widget. It fetches comments/replies from the community and posts a reply on this widget (on an external web page).

Comments List Syndication example

Consider you have two product websites that have the same product model: and Both these websites have product description pages for the same product. A relevant discussion for the same product is already happening in the community.

You can embed a Comments Syndication widget on the product description pages and syndicate community to these product description pages on and, respectively.

End-users can participate in discussions from either of these platforms - website.UK or website.US or Community. All these discussions would be mirrored on all the three platforms -,, and Community.

Similarly, you can also embed the discussions on support pages where you want to surface meaningful discussions to your end-users.

It is not necessary to have an existing discussion topic in the community to use the Comments Syndication widget.

You can use an embedded Comments Syndication widget to automatically create a topic in the community that is not yet existent. You do not have to manually create a discussion topic in the community to use the Comments Syndication widget. You can simply embed the widget code generated from the Admin panel and syndicated your community discussions. In this case, the widget includes only a standalone text editor to a product description page. Once the embedded widget loads, a topic would automatically be created in the community for that product description page. Thereafter, the discussions can get started from either of the platforms: external website or community.  These discussions would be mirrored to and fro, thus creating a syndicated network of discussion.

Here's a sneak peek at how it works

The commenting widget enables easy embedding and faster deployment of code at scale. It renders the contextual discussions from the community across multiple digital platforms without any manual investment. And if you want to extend discussions to other websites, you can embed the same widget to other pages, and all the amalgamated comments show up.

Visit the following links to learn more information:

Updated 9 months ago
Version 6.0
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