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Release Notes & Updates

Now Available: Auto-Generate Alt Text in Publishing

DivyaV's avatar
Khoros Staff
3 years ago

With this release, when an image/images are uploaded as part of a post, alt text will be pre-filled based on the returns suggested by image detection API. This feature will be ON by default. 

Click the Accessibility tab to edit alternative (alt) text that appears in place of the image if it fails to load on a user's screen. This text also helps screen-reading tools describe images to visually-impaired users.

Image alt text will be generated automatically based on the returns suggested by image detection API. This feature can be switched off using the Auto Generate Alt Text toggle.

 If the auto-generate feature is switched off, alt text will not be generated for images added to the post afterward, however you can Generate Alt Text for an individual image by clicking the link under it.

Likewise, if auto-generate is on, you can override the feature for an individual image by clicking into the text box and adding your own alt text. 

Note: Due to API limitations, image alt text is only available for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. In a multiple-channel post the alt text will only be published to supported channels. 

Updated 9 months ago
Version 3.0
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