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Now Available: Create & Save targeting profiles for LinkedIn

DivyaV's avatar
Khoros Staff
3 years ago

Currently saving targeting profiles and restricting access to these profiles for specific users is only available for Facebook. For LinkedIn, users can only use targeting at the time of publishing but cannot save the profile or constrain it by users. This new feature enhances LinkedIn's functionality by allowing users to create and save Targeting Profiles, and limit publishing access to specific profiles.

With Targeting Profiles, you can conveniently save commonly used targeting configurations at the initiative level on LinkedIn. By restricting user access, you can ensure that publishing is only done to specified profiles, providing better control over your campaigns

You will now  be able to target by Language, Organisation, Field of Study and Degree in addition to previously supported fields - Geography, Job Function, Industry, Company Size & Seniority. The limitation that the account should have at least 300 followers  for targeting holds true for this capability as well.

Note: You must be a Company Admin or Manager (or have a custom Role with Edit Initiatives permission) to create and save targeting profiles. 

Create a Targeting Profile


1. Click your Initiative name in the top navigation toolbar.

2. Click Initiative Settings or the gear icon next to an Initiative

3. Click the Targeting Profiles tab in the left-hand settings pane.

4. From the drop-down menu, select LinkedIn Profiles.


5. Click Create LinkedIn Profile.

6. Click Create New Targeting Profile.

7.  In the Profile Name field, provide a name for the profile.

8. Complete the profile by adding custom audience targeting to meet your targeting needs.


9. Click Save to make the profile available to your teams through the Publishing window.

Note: Targeting profiles can also be saved directly from the publishing window provided the user has access to edit initiative settings/admin role. After selecting the desired audience settings for a post, click Save Profile as… enter a name for the new profile and click Save

Restricting targeting access for specific users

By default, a user has no restrictions ( No constraints ) until an admin limits their profile usage. These constraints are set in Initiative Settings > Targeting Profiles

  • A non-constrained user can choose any defined targeting profile, or no targeting profile, when creating a LinkedIn message. If a user has no constraints (but is not an admin), they can add their own targeting to a message when creating it, but cannot save the target as a profile for others to use. 
  • If the user has been restricted to just one profile, that profile is automatically applied when the user selects a LinkedIn page account.
  • If the user has been restricted to a set of profiles, only those profiles appear as options on the Targeting menu during message creation, and the user must select one of them. 

To constrain users for a specific profile:

1. Click the profile button to the left of the pencil. 

2. Click the checkbox next to each user to be constrained to using this profile

3. Click Save.

To set constraints globally from a list of users: 

1. Select User from the drop-down menu on the Targeting Profiles page.

2. Click the pencil to the right of a User to edit their constraints. 

3. Click the checkbox next to each targeting profile to set constraints.

4. Click Save

Note: If the user has been restricted to one or more profiles, the user cannot publish to the page without using a profile.




Updated 9 months ago
Version 3.0
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