Now Available: SRT file support for video publishing
When the user adds the appropriate channel (Facebook/Youtube/Twitter) and uploads a video, there will be a new section called ‘Captions’ that is available under the message box.
Please note that the 'Captions' option will come up only after uploading a video.
Inside the ‘Captions’ section the users will get options based on the channel that is selected.
For Facebook, there will be an option to upload a file. The file has to be as per the required format.
Once the SRT files are uploaded there will be a ‘Default Caption’ option next to the caption files uploaded. Users can select the default caption file as per the need.
For Facebook, multiple SRT files can be uploaded for a single video
There is a basic check on the file format. If the format is not correct then the caption file will not be uploaded and a warning message will be shown.
User can see the applicable language and country codes by clicking on the link
For Youtube, the options are different from that of Facebook. Inside the 'Captions' section user will have to click on the ‘Add Closed Caption file’ option to upload the SRT files.
For each SRT file upload, the user will have to select the Language and upload a valid SRT file with Timing.
Note: SRT files without timing are not supported
Users can upload multiple SRT files for the video being published to Youtube.
If the user selects the same language again an error is thrown.
Users can upload only a single SRT file to any video while publishing to Twitter.
When the user selects the language option then the applicable languages are shown.
The user can upload the SRT file and publish the post
Side Panel changes
In the Calander side panel, we have created a new field called ‘Accessibility’ under the ‘Basics’ tab. This field will be set to ‘Video has subtitles’ if any channel in the post has at least one SRT file. This is mainly to identify the posts which have the subtitle file.
Post publishing
Post publishing, the subtitle will be shown on the video based on the captions settings on the respective platform
Handling SRT file issues
If the platform does not accept the SRT while publishing the video then the post will be published but in the side panel, an error will be shown that the caption file is not updated in the video. The user has to go native to correct the issue.