Knowledge Base Article

About Aurora Mentions

Mentions enable members to call out other community members and community content within a post. Aurora supports three kinds of mentions:

  • Member Mentions
  • Content Mentions
  • Places Mentions

Note: Product Mentions will be available in a future release.

With Member Mentions, community members can call out other members in their posts and invite them to join the conversation. You might mention a community member when you know they can answer a question or provide valuable insight into a thread. Or, you might just want to make sure they see it when you want to say thank you or give public praise.

Content Mentions enable community members to call out specific posts within the body of a post. Additionally, you can use Content Mentions to mention other places in the community, such as a specific category or board. It’s a way to quickly embed a link to other content in the community.

Places Mentions allow community members to highlight specific locations, such as categories or boards, making it easy to reference and link to other content within the community.

Mentions are supported in all content types and in replies/comments.

When you enter the @ symbol while creating a post, suggestions are displayed in this order: 

  • Members: Participants from the conversation thread based on relevancy
  • Content: Content you created, by recency
  • Places: Places you follow

Mention notifications

When members are mentioned in posts, they are sent emails to let them know. The email uses the Member Mention notification email template. (If members are mentioned multiple times in a post, they are sent only one email.) Additionally, members mentioned in private forums that they cannot access will not receive notification emails.

When a member’s content is mentioned in posts, the member is also sent an email to let them know. The email uses the New Content Mention notification email template.

Mentions you receive are also shown in your community notifications (bell icon).

Related topics:

Updated 30 days ago
Version 9.0


  • @member and @content mention links above are sent to GoogleDocs.

    Can these be made public?

  • LauraV's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    2 years ago

    Lief – This was a mistake and has been corrected to jump to the right places within this article. Thank you for catching that!

  • Sure think LauraV - I landed here because I was looking to see if there was a way to @mention any sort of group on community (by role, rank, group-hub-members?)

    I didn't find anything - if it sounds like the sort of Idea worth reviewing maybe I'll elaborate there.

  • LarryI's avatar
    Khoros Expert
    2 years ago

    Lief At this time, you can only mention specific members, content (posts, articles, etc.), and places (including groups).

    We have not added the ability to mention users of ranks, roles, or a group's members.  I'd like to hear more of your idea and use case, can you elaborate?

  • citizenelah , can you elaborate on what use-case you were trying to achieve when we had this conversation?

  • I am trying to @mention new members and after literally 2 hours of work looking everyone up and getting their profiles ready I keep getting blocked from posting with an error indicating I have exceeded the allowed number of @mentions. UGHHHHH what is the limit it doesnt seem to say anywhere in the documentation. 

  • sleslie99 Sorry for the frustration! We do have flood controls in place for many actions across the community, including @mentions, to prevent spamming and abuse. The limit is configurable but is not designed to be a high number, so please contact Khoros Support and work with them to adjust your community's limit. 

    Another option for contacting these individuals is creating a broadcast message with a link to the appropriate post. Since broadcast messages can be created only by admins, this prevents any potential spamming.

  • LarryI's avatar
    Khoros Expert
    6 months ago

    TillyCorless Not currently, we are actively discussing our plans internally for flood control limits and making them configurable within the admin panel. We will be tackling this one soon as a team.