Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Create and arrange sections in a page template

The Page Templates builder enables you to create and arrange sections within your page templates, which provide a location for widgets to be assigned within the page. Sections can be static or dynamic, giving you the power to create, organize, and reorganize them as needed.

Sections are essentially display shelves for widgets that you want to appear on pages assigned to the page template.

Some page templates include widgets that provide the core content needed for that template to function as intended. To prevent these sections from being mistakenly edited or deleted, Aurora Designer automatically locks sections that contain the following content widgets:

  • Blog Post content
  • Knowledge Base Article content
  • Forum Discussion content
  • Idea content
  • Event content

This means that for Blog content and Event content:

  • The section cannot be edited or deleted.
  • The main content widget cannot be deleted.
  • Widgets cannot be added, edited, or removed from the section.
  • The widget type cannot be changed.
  • Widgets cannot be moved in or out of the section.

And for Forum, Knowledge Base, and Idea content:

  • The section cannot be deleted.
  • The main content widget cannot be deleted.
  • Widgets cannot be moved in or out of the section. (However, the widgets can be moved within the section.)

For example, here we see that there are no configuration options for the Blog post section (bottom right in image) but we still have partial control over the Knowledge Base article widget (top left in image) and complete control over the Related Content widget.

Create a new page section

On any page template, you can add a new section to a page in two ways:

  • Click Add section in the Page Overview panel on the left.

  • Click Add section (plus icon) within the preview of the page template content.

Change the display order of sections

You can reorder sections of the page template from the Page Overview.

Just drag and drop the listed sections using the dotted, vertical lines to the left of each section.

You can also move an item up or down one level by clicking Up and Down (arrow icons) located in the toolbar to the left of each section.

Remove sections from a page template

You can remove sections from the page by clicking Delete (trash can icon) located in the toolbar to the left of each section.

Note: Deleting a section removes the section and any widget(s) contained within. Any widgets that were in that section need to be recreated elsewhere.

Configure page sections

Each section comes with its own set of options that you can configure using the Edit Section panel. You can access the configuration panel in two ways:

  • Click the section in the Page Overview panel.

  • Click Settings (gear icon) beside the desired section in the page preview.

Configure section options

Each section has a series of configuration options available. After changes are made in the Edit Section panel, you can save them by clicking Save and Publish button in the upper-right corner of the page template.

You can configure the layout, title and description, background colors, and background images.


The Layout options enable you to add columns to your section so you can place widgets in 1-, 2-, or 3-column layouts. In addition to an equal-width 2-column layout, you can also instead select one with a wider right or left column.

Title and Description

The Title and Description of the section is optional. If the Visible only to screen readers is not turned on, the title and description appear in the community. If the toggle is active, the title remains hidden from most visitors; however, it is still relayed to visitors using screen readers.

When the Visible only to screen readers option is not turned on, the color picker and text alignment options can be designated for the Title and Description.

Background Color

Each section can have its own background color. The colors available are determined in the community's theme. A transparent background uses the page's background color.

When you hover your cursor over a color choice in the color picker, the hex code is displayed. This enables you to distinguish between similar colors before making your selection.

Changing the background color of a section can change the way widgets inside the section look. It can add a colorful pop to your content or provide a subtle difference in shades that make it easier to tell sections apart.

Background Image

You can add a Background Image to the background of the section. It is displayed over the background color.

To upload a new background image:

  1. Click Add (plus icon).
  2. Click Upload Image and choose a PNG, JPEG, or SVG file from your local drive to upload. Alternatively, click Search for an Image.

After you have selected an image file, you are presented with a series of options.

Background Image Appearance

After you have selected a background image, you can refine how it appears using the Background Image Appearance options.

The Size of the image display can be set to Cover, Auto, or Contain.

  • Cover: Fit the image to the section vertically.
  • Auto: Automatically adjusts the image to fit in the background.
  • Contain: Fit the image to the header section horizontally.

The Position setting sets the general position of the background image as it relates to the header. Options include:

  • Center Center
  • Center Top
  • Center Bottom
  • Left Center
  • Left Top
  • Left Bottom
  • Right Center
  • Right Top
  • Right Bottom

If your background image is meant to tile (continuously repeat), you can use the Repeat options to configure the behavior you want. Options include:

  • No Repeat
  • Repeat (tile)
  • Repeat X (horizontally)
  • Repeat Y (vertically)

To edit or remove a background image:

  1. Click Edit (pencil icon).
  2. Click Upload Image or Search for an Image to select a new image.
  3. Click Remove Image to delete the image from the background.

Updated 8 months ago
Version 13.0
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