Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Events widget configuration

The Events widget provides a list of events in the related Event board. It is available on the Events Dashboard page template.


The layout options available for the Events widget are Detailed List, List, and Card.

From the Edit Widget panel, select any of these options to change the layout of the selected type. Each layout has its own set of options.

Detailed List

The Detailed List layout features a smaller thumbnail accompanied by each event's title and any chosen elements.


On the List layout, each event is displayed in a list with its title and any chosen elements.


With the Card layout, each event is displayed on a tile with its title and any chosen elements.

Configuration Options

List style

The available options in the List Style section for the Detailed List and List layouts include:

  • Space: Uses whitespace to create space between items.
  • Divide: Adds a horizontal line to divide items.
  • Border: Creates a border that separates items into individual boxes.

Text alignment

When you select the Layout of Card, you can also choose whether to align the card content to the left or center.

Widget title

The Widget title sets the title that appears at the top of the widget. If the Visible only to screen readers toggle is turned on, it is relayed only to visitors using screen readers.

Number of items

Use the slider to indicate how many events (up to 20) can be displayed in the widget.

Sort and Filter

In the Sort and Filter section, you can manage sorts and filters and indicate whether members can use them.

Click Add to add the following SORT (tabs) or FILTER (drop-down menus and tags) options to the widget:


  • Most Recent
  • Newest Events
  • Most Likes
  • Most Viewed


  • Past

Toggle on or off the Show filter and sort controls toggle to show or hide from members the filter tabs or the sort drop-down menus in the widget:

Lead upcoming and past events with

From the Lead upcoming and past events drop-down menu, select one of the following:

  • the author’s Avatar
  • the Event Date on a calendar icon
  • the default event content type Icon
  • None

List item/Card elements 

Elements are additional pieces of information that you can turn on to be displayed in the widget. The list of available elements changes depending on which layout you've selected:

  • Attendance indicator: Indicates whether the current member has responded “Attending” to the event.
  • Attendee count: The number of people who responded “Yes” to the event.
  • Author: The creator of the event.
  • Author rank: The rank of the creator of the event.
  • Comment/reply count: The number of comments and replies on the event.
  • Event date: The date and time of the event.
  • Event type: Indicates whether the event is In-Person, Online, or both.
  • Like count: The number of likes on the event.
  • Preview image: A preview of any media in the event description.
  • Preview text: A preview of the event description text.
  • Tags: Tags associated with the event.
  • Timestamp: Indicates how long ago the event was created.
  • View count: The number of times the event has been viewed.

Lines of preview text to display

The Lines of preview text to display slider gives you control over how many lines of text from the description are displayed along with the event in the widget. After the set number of lines, an ellipsis (...) is used.

More Options

Additional configuration options for the widget include:

  • Hide if empty: If there are no events to show, the widget is hidden.
  • Show pagination: Creates a Show More link if more events are available than the number designated on the Number of items slider.
  • Optimize page-load time: Optimize the page's load time using a lazy load method. Widgets only appear as the member scrolls down the page, shortening the time to render the page.
Updated 8 months ago
Version 5.0
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