Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Members widget configuration

Available on the Group Dashboard template, the Members widget provides a way for members of a community to view the members of a particular group in that community.


The Members widget includes 3 layout options: List, Grid, and Card.


The list layout creates a vertical list of group members that includes each member's username and options to include other identifying features, such as the avatar and join date.

List style

There are three list styles available in the List layout:

  • The Space list style divides items in the list using a blank space rather than a solid visual divider.
  • The Divide list style adds a solid horizontal line between line items.


  • The Border list style separates items in the list into their own sections.


The Grid layout focuses on the member's avatar alone. It creates a grid of avatar images that, for the Avatar size, can be configured as Medium or Large.


The Card layout presents online members as individual cards. It showcases each member's username with options to include other identifying features, such as the avatar and join date.



You can enter a title for the widget to display at the top of the widget. If the Visible Only to Screen Readers toggle is on, the title is relayed only through screen readers.

Sort by

In the Sort by drop-down menu, select one of the following options to sort the members of the group on the widget:

  • Join date (newest first)
  • Join date (oldest first)

Number of items

The Number of items slider sets the number of members that appear in the widget simultaneously. This can be set to any number from 1 to 20.

List item elements

The List and Card layouts offer the same options for each item in the widget (the Grid layout has no additional options). You can choose to turn on or off these elements:

  • Avatar
  • Group join date
  • Owner flag (denotes owner of the group)
  • Rank

More options

Additional options are listed in the More options area of the settings panel. Turn on or off the following as desired:

  • Hide if empty: Hide the entire widget if there are no members in this group.
  • Include “Show All” link: Include a link that community members can click to open a new window with all of the group members listed.
  • Optimize page-load time: Optimize page-load time by utilizing lazy load functionality, which loads images as the community member scrolls down the page.

Updated 8 months ago
Version 7.0
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