Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Recent Content widget configuration

The Recent Content widget displays the most recent items from blogs, knowledge bases, forums, ideas, and/or events within your community. It can be configured with different layouts, a specified number of items, and a variety of other elements.



The layouts included for the Recent Content widget are Detailed list, List, and Card.

From the Edit Widget panel, select any of these options to change the layout. Each layout has its own set of unique options available.

Detailed list

The Detailed list layout features a smaller thumbnail accompanied by the item's title, various elements, and a preview of its content.



Configuration Options

List style

The available List style options for Detailed list and List include:

  • Space: Uses whitespace to create space between items.
  • Divide: Adds a horizontal line to divide items.
  • Border: Creates a border that separates items into individual boxes.


The Title sets the title that appears at the top of the widget. If the Visible only to screen readers toggle is enabled, the title remains hidden to most visitors; however, the title information is still relayed to visitors using screen readers.


The Scope field enables you to select where the widget is scoped. You can scope to the community, a category, a group, or a specific board. If you select a specific board, the Content types to include drop-down menu becomes inactive.

Content Types to Include

Use the Content Types to Include drop-down menu to select the type(s) of content types to display in the widget. Options include:

  • All (All content types)
  • Blogs only
  • Knowledge Bases only
  • Discussions only
  • Ideas only


You can set the default Sort By filter to one of the following options:

  • Newest topics
  • Most recent (applies only to top-level posts and replies, not nested replies)

Detailed list Options

The available sort options for the Detailed list layout depend on the state of the Show additional filter/sort tabs toggle. If deactivated, you can set the default Sort By filter to one of the options listed in the previous section. 

Below Sort and filter options, you can also turn on Show filter and sort controls to add a Tagged line where members can click + Tag to enter a tag to filter content by that tag.

If, however, the Show additional filter/sort tabs toggle is active, you can configure the different sort options available to visitors through tabs that appear on the top of the widget.

These include:

  • Sort by Most Viewed
  • Sort by Most Liked
  • Sort by Most Replies
  • Filter by Newest Topics
  • Filter by Most Recent
  • Filter by Items with No Replies Yet

Number of Items

The Number of items slider gives you control over the number of items displayed on the initial page load before a Show More option appears.

List item/Card elements

Elements are additional pieces of information that can be displayed along with each item in the widget. The list of available elements changes depending on which layout you've selected.

Detailed list and List layouts have an additional Lead with drop-down menu. It enables you to choose to display the item author's Avatar, discussion style Icon, or None along with the item in the widget.

More Options

Additional options are available at the bottom of the Edit Widget panel.

  • Hide if empty hides any tabs that don't have corresponding items.
  • Include "Show More" link adds a link to the bottom of the widget to enable visitors to display additional items once the Number of items has been reached.
  • Optimize page-load time uses lazy loading to load images as the member scrolls down the page.
Updated 4 months ago
Version 21.0


  • Can you confirm what content should be displayed under the 'Most Recent' tab? I thought it should be the any content that has received a reply, however it's unclear if nested replies and comments cause the content to be displayed here. It seems a little hit or miss at times, and sometimes it seems that 'Likes' cause the content to appear there. Can you share the exact logic?

  • LauraV's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    4 months ago

    Hi SheenaK – The content that appears here is based on the post date of posts and top-level replies only, not nested replies.