Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Top Contributors widget configuration

The Top Contributors widget displays a series of contributors with the highest ratings based on popularity metrics including Likes/Votes Received, Posts (Topics and Replies Created), Topics Created, and Solutions Authored. It is available on the Community Home Page, the Category Dashboard, the Group Dashboard, the Forum Dashboard, the Blog Dashboard, the Knowledge Base Dashboard, and the Ideas Dashboard.



The Layouts section features the List, Grid, and Card layouts. The information that can be displayed for each contributor depends on the Layout and its unique set of available elements.




Configuration Options

The configuration options available depend on the layout selected. For example, the List layout style has a List Style setting, while the Grid layout includes an Avatar Size option.

List Style

The List Style is unique to the List layout and determines how items in the list are separated from each other. You can choose to have whitespace (Space) between items, a horizontal line (Divide), or a defined Border that separates items in the list into individual visual blocks.

Avatar Size

Unique to the Grid layout, the Avatar Size setting changes the size of the avatar images as they appear in the grid. You can choose between a Medium or Large avatar size.

Widget Title

The Title appears at the top of the widget. If the Visible Only to Screen Readers toggle is active, the title remains hidden from most visitors; however, the title information is still relayed to visitors using screen readers.

Number of Items

You can designate the number of contributors featured in the widget using the Number of Items slider (maximum 20).


You can sort contributors by several different categories using the Sort By drop-down menu. Available options include:

  • Likes/Votes Received
  • Posts (Topics and Replies Created)
  • Topics Created
  • Solutions Authored

Sort By gives you the power to create a widget dedicated to the top solvers in your community and another for members with the most likes on their content.

The Time Period defines the length of time popularity metrics are calculated. This enables you to create a widget featuring a single top contributor for the week/month/year, your top five of all time, or any variation in between.

List Item/Card Elements


The List and Card layouts include elements that can refine the information about each member that appears in the widget. These elements include:

  • Avatar
  • Rank
  • Count

Roles to exclude

You can exclude specific roles from being displayed in the Top Contributors widget. This is helpful when your administrators or other staff create a large amount of content but you want to highlight only your other members’ contributions to the community.

To exclude roles, select the field and then choose the roles you want to exclude. Members assigned to the roles you select are not displayed on the Top Contributors widget.

More Options

Additional options for the widget appear in the More Options section of the Edit Widget panel:

  • The Hide if Empty option hides the widget in the event that nothing meets the criteria to be displayed (for example, if no contributors have authored any accepted solutions and Solutions Authored is the Sort By criteria).
  • Optimize page-load time uses lazy loading to load images as the member scrolls down the page.
Updated 2 months ago
Version 15.0


  • Can you exclude users with a certain role from displaying in the top contributors widget?

  • Would be awesome to have an option to display the timeframe. I know we could do it in the title, but it would look nicer in a smaller font below the title.

    We made a customization for this on our Classic community (screenshot)