Announcement: AddThis Share button - End of Life
Hi all Community customers,
With the announcement from Oracle that AddThis will be decommissioned on May 31st, 2023, we will be ending our support of the AddThis share button on Community Classic.
There are no plans to replace the current functionality in Classic or Aurora at this time, given the unexpected deprecation of AddThis from Oracle, our current roadmap priorities and lower usage of the feature. As we evaluate the 2024 roadmap later this year, please share your thoughts and questions about our plans with regards to the Share button.
This change will automatically be applied to all communities beginning with the 23.5 release and beyond. We will be removing the following components from the code base and all community pages:
- <component id="external.widget.add-this"/>
- <component id="external.widget.share-button"/>
- <component id="message-view.widget.share-button"/>
- <component id="share-button"/>
Additionally, the setting “Display social bookmarking links” will be turned off and removed from Community Admin.
To turn off this setting now on your stage & production sites (test on stage first!):
- Go to Admin > ”applicable discussion style”.
- Uncheck the Display social bookmarking links option.
- Click Save.
If you experience any styling issues when you remove the “Share button” by configuring this setting, please open a Support ticket with Khoros or if you have a development team you work with, you may work with them directly to address.