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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Care Release Notes, week of May 15, 2023

DianeL's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
2 years ago

Khoros Care updates do not require any downtime. This release will be deployed with no expected impact to your operations until you configure the new features. If you do not yet see the new features, they will be pushed to your system later in the week.

New Features

Autosave for internal notes (Early Access)

Internal note drafts are now saved automatically in Care. When an agent enters an internal note for a conversation but does not click Add Note, their draft is retained even if they:

  • navigate away from the conversation
  • snooze the conversation
  • update their agent state to yellow or red
  • refresh their browser window or tab
  • sign out

Only the agent who created the draft can view it, and the draft is lost only if the agent closes their browser window or tab.

Note: To join the EA program for this feature, contact Khoros Support.

For more information, see Add internal notes and comments to conversations.

Brand Messenger inline video playback support

Users can now play video content from YouTube and Vimeo without ever leaving the Brand Messenger Modern Chat widget. When a user sends a standalone message that contains a raw link to a supported video, the video is displayed in the chat as a .mov or .mp4 with standard playback options. This is also now the default behavior for .mov or .mp4 files sent as attachments.

Note: Inline video playback is not supported for Brand Messenger Legacy.

For more information, see About Brand Messenger.

Brand Messenger location sharing

Users can now share their location via Brand Messenger Modern Chat widget. When an agent requests a user’s location, the user can click the Map (map marker) icon to open a map that automatically detects their relative location. They can then drop a pin in the appropriate area and share the information with the agent by clicking Send. Location sharing must be enabled by an admin.

To enable location sharing:

  1. Sign in to Care as an Admin user and go to Settings > Brand Messenger > General Settings.
  2. Below CUSTOMER FACING SETTINGS, turn on the Enable location sharing option.

For more information, see About Brand Messenger.

You found it. We fixed it.


  • Previously, when a user attempted to like, unlike, or delete a LinkedIn comment from the Common Conversation Panel, they sometimes received an error. Users can now perform all available moderation actions for LinkedIn comments.
Updated 9 months ago
Version 3.0
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