
How many users are we entitled to get access to the Case Portal?

How many users are we entitled to get access to the Case Portal?


How many users are we entitled to get access to the Cases area?  


  • Standard customers are allotted 5 case portal seats.  
  • Premium support customers are allotted 10 case portal seats.  


If you need to add/remove any users (the latter to make way for new additions), please follow the process outlined in our case portal activation guide.


Note:  If you have more than one community, you can spread the "users" as desired.  For example if you had two Premium Support communities, you could potentially have 8 users for Community A and 2 users for Community B.  


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Link for Case Portal Activation doesn't work.  

Khoros Alumni (Retired)

Hi @MarkAtTruth ,


the link has been fixed and should work now!



How many users are we entitled to get access to the Case Portal?


How many users are we entitled to get access to the Cases area?  


  • Standard customers are allotted 5 case portal seats.  
  • Premium support customers are allotted 10 case portal seats.  


If you need to add/remove any users (the latter to make way for new additions), please follow the process outlined in our case portal activation guide.


Note:  If you have more than one community, you can spread the "users" as desired.  For example if you had two Premium Support communities, you could potentially have 8 users for Community A and 2 users for Community B.  


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Last Reviewed:
07-19-2024 05:46 AM

How many users are we entitled to get access to the Case Portal?


How many users are we entitled to get access to the Cases area?  


  • Standard customers are allotted 5 case portal seats.  
  • Premium support customers are allotted 10 case portal seats.  


If you need to add/remove any users (the latter to make way for new additions), please follow the process outlined in our case portal activation guide.


Note:  If you have more than one community, you can spread the "users" as desired.  For example if you had two Premium Support communities, you could potentially have 8 users for Community A and 2 users for Community B.  


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Version history
Last update:
‎08-02-2021 03:22 AM
Updated by: