ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Creating and setting value for custom profile fields Hi VarunGrazitti , just to clarify a few points regarding the subject. Regarding the custom field, at the moment this can be added via Li Professional services only, --- if there is no on-going projects with PS, Support could be happy to assist you in this subject. and that is at no additional cost --- it is really case by case basis. In general, one-time setup and zero customization would be at no cost or low cost. They will set it up on your staging instance for review and then once you confirm, will be pushed live in your maintenance window. -- when the fields are added to stage server only, not production server, the studio publish will be disabled. most of the time, we will add to both stage and production at the same time. <the custom profile fields> “will also be available in the metrics reports.” --- it is not OOTB or by default, you need to explicitly tell Lithium that you want to include those fields in your user report. Re: custom post / message meta data on certain node(s) Hi peterlu None, there won't be any exception for BlogC. There is no such field and therefore there is no validation against that field. Re: custom post / message meta data on certain node(s) Hi peterlu I assume that you want to add two metadata fields to blogA and blogB, but not all blogs. It can only be done via Professional Services. basically, we will 1) add metadata to the message node, specify that it is for blog and root-only (no reply) 2) change message post form layout to include those two fields after that, non blog articles will not be blocked as the metadata is for blog only. but all blogs, will have two additional fields, so we have to 3) add some java class, which will check the node id and exclude the two fields in the form layout before post page loads. In another words, we can hide the two additional fields from server side, without CSS or JS. I hope that the above explaination helps. Re: Need help to Modify Role Hi bhupen the "administrator" below Afri is the ranking, you may have a ranking named "administrator" based on Role "Administrator" (note, this is capital "A", and ranking is with a small "a") to update your ranking title display, you may update it directly with admin->user, or consider localization. Re: External Rest call of a JSON file Hi sdujari if you need to pull the html and set into "<head>", you should not use httpclient (which is not for this purpose), but URL fetcher. To do that, you need to provide the desired URL to Professional Services (or Lithium Support if post-launch), they can put a backend fetcher which fetches the content periodically and set to a community setting. After that, you may access the html via <#assign my_header ="fetch_url_key_given_by_lithium") /> in your wrapper components. you may read more from ... The customer will be required to provide Lithium with 3 different URLs, one for the head code, one for the header and one for the footer. Additional URLs can be configured if required .... Re: External Rest call of a JSON file Hi sdujari , for performance reason, http client only works with endpoint and Page Initialization Script, but not any other places including wrapper. more details can be found with Re: how to search the whole community but not include some broads? if you want to target some of the broads only, you may want to use "&board_ids=b1,b2,b3" in your query. Re: REST API. Getting error posting new message Hi PerBonomi Maybe you should not put the message body as part of the URL, but as part of HTTP POST? just like format submission. Re: Can someone help me pinpoint which component/module displays the TKB article feedback section? Hi nickz , is this what you need? (TKB) Re: How do I get the most recent comments? as just 2 cents :=) we need not to add "api.response_style=view" to any rest() or restadm() calls, as the backend will automatically add them.