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Classic - Event Board Page force List View
Hi, Is there a way to configure a particular event board to always default to List View? Ideally, this would be via: Query Parameter loading the page. Quilt component parameter for the viewToggle or occasionsListView component. Context: The event board is part of an Annual conference that happens in the future. So, this month's events are empty for most of the year. Registered users have the option to select List or Calendar View using the viewToggle component. This setting is preserved. For this event board, the Calendar View will show as empty. Any ideas? Thanks in advance! MarkSolved43Views0likes3CommentsGoogle Tag Manager and Google Analytics Setup in Aurora platform
Hello Guys, Anyone has setup the GTM and Google analytics in current version of Aurora Platform. We tried with the pagescript which is not working for us. IF anyone added implemented the same, then please let us know. Thanks DurgeshSolved166Views4likes6CommentsBoard pages are not appearing in the sitemap
Hello, I would like to know I could make the board pages with the patterns appear in the sitemap : /ct-p/ /bg-p/ /bd-p/ /eb-p/ /idp-p/ /tkb-p/ Because the are currently no appearing or processing in the sitemap. Thank you for your help.Blandine8 days agoContributor33Views0likes1CommentliqlAdmin in khoros aurora graphql API
Hi Folks, I want to add roles to the users using graphQL API given below. const ADD_USER_ROLE_MUTATION = gql` mutation addUsersToRole($roleKey: RoleKeyInput!, $users: [UserIdInput!]!) { addUsersToRole(roleKey: $roleKey, users: $users) { result { id name } } } `; const [addUserRole] = useMutation(ADD_USER_ROLE_MUTATION); addUserRole({ variables: { roleKey: { roleName: "role" }, users: [{ id: userId }] } }); The issue I am facing is that when this mutation is executed by an Admin user, the role is successfully added to the target user. However, when the same mutation is executed by a normal user, it fails to add the role due to permission denied errors. Is there a parameter or keyword that can be used in this mutation to allow a normal user to update their own roles or self-related data? For example, in Khoros Classic, we can use the liqlAdmin keyword in REST API requests to bypass such permissions. Is there an equivalent for GraphQL in Khoros Aurora? Thanks in Advance.Solved206Views0likes12CommentsBroadcast private message with API not being sent to all users
Hi Everyone, Seeing something a little strange that I can't figure out. Working on a custom component that sends a broadcast message to all the voters on an idea. Testing on stage I see only around half of the messages are sent no matter how many I send (sometimes over sometimes under). So, for example, a message that was supposed to have 200 recipients might only send to 120. You can see below there were 201 voters in this case. The large console log that says bodyString is the body of my API call and I copied it and double checked. All 201 users were present in the body. But the response from the call shows only 122 recipients. And it is not a consistent limit. If I send to 800 users, it goes to 339. However, if I send to 800 users from the out of the box private message page all 800 go through. I am only able to test this on stage with large numbers so I'm not sure if it could just be an issue on stage. I don't want to spam hundreds of real users to test on production 😀 Has anyone else got any experience with this? Thanks69Views2likes1CommentAssistance Needed with API for Creating Idea Statuses
Hi everyone, We are currently exploring an API to create idea statuses at the board level in admin. Specifically, we are trying to add an idea status to an Idea Board by making an API call using Postman. Here is the endpoint we are using: restapi/vc/boards/id/[id]/message_statuses/available/add?message.status=hello While the request returns a 200 status code, the idea status is not being added, and we are encountering an error in the response. Could anyone clarify if this behavior is expected or provide guidance on resolving this issue? Thank you in advance for your support! Best regards, VarshaVarshag25 days agoContributor50Views0likes0CommentsHow to retrieve "Internal reason for ban" field
Hi all, We are looking to extract some data from the "User bans" report in the (Classic) Community Admin interface, under "Mod Tools" > "User bans". When we go click on "Edit" on a particular user, we see the field "Internal Reason for ban;" how can we get a full list of banned users including the reason for ban? Is that field available via API somehow? I wasn't able to find anything. Thanks for any help, LeeSolved55Views0likes2Comments