ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Custom Content inside a Custom Component Yes this is possible. I just want to mention a couple of things first though. 1) Is there a reason the custom content needs to be nested inside of a custom component? You can go over an explanation between the two here: Custom Content Module vs. Cusotm Component and here Styling custom components 2) You may want to consider making a note or some sort of documentation of these type of "nested" changes you're making. It will help make any support issues that could arise in the future less confusing and more streamlined. <@component id="common.widget.custom-content" name="X"/> (where x is the number of the custom content module you wish to use) Re: Styling tables in Community Hey Samantha, Can I ask why you're using a table vs. divs to style what looks like to be a simple link/button with an image? I ask because tables are difficult to use for styling for a myriad of reasons (more tags to manage, to many general tags unless you go in and apply classes to them but then creating more code, slower to load, trickier to style, not very accessible, etc.). Tables should really only be used to hold and organize tabular data and the image you showed in your original post looks like something that could be easily and quickly achieved with divs and css (preferable in a style sheet, but you could try inline..). I have some historically knowledge that in the past, the wysiwyg editor has its own style sheet, and configurations that can affect how tables are displayed in published posts. (e.g. allowing html, inline code, etc.) One example i remember was a community that would copy and paste the same code written for email newsletters (done using tables) into topic posts, but the formatting changed as a result. some of this was fixed by altering the css specific to tables in message posts and I think specifically it was the property for border-collapse, but I digress. Your table might be affecting by something similar, but really, I suggest trying to re-create this with divs and css. It simple enough that if it would be a great problem to solve especially if you're just learning html/css. In fact, here's a js fiddle showing just one quick way to accomplish what you want. You may ned to tweak the css a bit, (add the css to your community's css file) and replace the image url with the image you have in your screenshot. Hopefully that helps, and you're able to break down the code to understand what it's doing. Re: Customizing tabs Tabs are totally customizable. Check out slides 25 - 27 in the deck found here: The reason your css isn't being applied could be due to a number of issues that you may need to trouble shoot for. e.g.: 1. Am I applying css inside the correct skin css section? Check to see what skin is being applied to your community or specific node by checking the admin > display > skins section 2. Is my css being overwritten by css added elsewhere? The C stands cascading, and if the css you're adding is too high up the tree or not css isn't specific enough, it could be that it's being overwritten by something else. Sometimes 3rd parties will add css inline custom components, or in external style sheets that are linked via the community’s head content in the community skin. 3. Is my syntax correct? typos or incorrectly ordered ids/classes will prevent css from being displayed. Re: Image and message association error in REST API apaskett wrote: ... Why is the image still showing up in this feed when the message it was posted in is no longer accessible? I imagine this is hapening because although a message with that image has been deleted, the image still exisits within the community, if that user uploaded the image via their image gallery, e.g. <>/t5/media/gallerypage/user-id/<id#> As for 2. and 3, I'm hoping one of our other egineers can chime in on a way to code for this. Re: Page title try adding the text key page.TkbCommunityPage.title = Support Articles Re: Header with Category IF Statement? Hey Jillian, Sorry, rather than use, you should try using, e.g. something like <#if == "Instructor"> <div class='VIC_community_logo'> <a href="/t5/custom/page/page-id/VIC" class="VICcommunityLogo" title="Virtual Instructor Community">Virtual Instructor Community</a> <span class="tagline">Looking at life through tax.</span> </div> <#else> <div class='hrb_community_logo'> <a href="/" class="communityLogo" title="The Community">The Community</a> <span class="tagline">Looking at life through tax.</span> </div> </#if> Re: Header with Category IF Statement? I dont know what your category id is or the rest of your header code, so this is just an example. <#if == "CommunityPage"> hidelogo</#if> <#if == "WHATEVER-YOUR-CATEGORY-ID-IS"> <div class='VIC_community_logo'> <a href="/t5/custom/page/page-id/VIC" class="VICcommunityLogo" title="Virtual Instructor Community">Virtual Instructor Community</a> <span class="tagline">Looking at life through tax.</span> </div> <#else> <div class='hrb_community_logo'> <a href="/" class="communityLogo" title="The Community">The Community</a> <span class="tagline">Looking at life through tax.</span> </div> </#if> Re: Header with Category IF Statement? The easiest way would to be to just create a new custom "child" skin, based on the global community skin, change the logo image in the desktop/mobile wrapper, then through the community admin, apply that child skin to that specific community. If you dont want to create another skin, you could edit your header code to something like <#if == "Instructor"> <img src="/html/assets/instructor-logo.jpg"/> <#else> <img src="/html/assets/community-logo.jpg"/> </#if> Re: Need to show secondary categories in breadcrumb Have you tried checking to see if the "Show top level categories in breadcrumb links" is check in the Admin under Community Admin > System > Top Level Categories ? You might also want to check the configurations under Admin > Display > Categories. Re: Customizing a css tag not available in Studio Along with what grazitti said, you should try writing css so that it's specific to that particular link vs changing the color of links throughout the community. You'll need to write something like; #lia-body .lia-content .lia-spoiler-container a.lia-spoiler-link {color:#FFFFCC;} Hope that helps