ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: BLOGS: COURSE ONLINE ABOUT HOW TO MANAGE COMPONENTS Thank you very much for the suggestion. You are right, we cover blogs only at a high level in the Community Foundation course and Administrator Overview. You will find a lot more information in our online documentation which can go into the details to a much greater extent than our online courses. Re: Lithium Training Hi Graham. We are very glad to hear that you found the training valuable. Typically customers going through the launch process will use the staging server we provide to test out what they are learning in the tutorials. Do you not have access to your stage server yet? How many posts blocked? Is it possible to determine how many posts have either been blocked by content filters and/or by flood settings? Re: JSON access for community search results for OpenSearch Hi Claudius, Have you tried posting this question on the Developer Board in the Dev Nation category? I think you may get some guidance there. Robb Re: Displaying Community Widgets Externally You will have the greatest flexiblity by making use of our REST API. Just search for that at the community level to get our orientation doc and the java docs (list of all the available methods). That will give you the calls (URLs) to use. When you use those call we will return either XML or JSON, which you will then need to parse and format on your pages. You will need a developer who is familiar with those steps and has access to your web pages. The alternative is ActiveCast. You can search on that too. It is much more limited in the content that it can provide, but for the items it covers, it returns javascript, so it is easier to place on your page. Re: REST API Question - Using Java Client Hi, The best place for these technical questions is the Developer board. It is currently called Lithium Developers. You can also get access if you click the Develop tab towards the top of this page. Re: get latest posts by tags with REST API It is best to post request for help with the REST API in the Developers board. Just click on the Develop tab in the upper right. Re: Message Limitation and Archiving These Hi Michael, Welcome to the Lithopshere! As far as I know, there is no internal limit to the number of saved Private Messages. Re: Category and Board Descriptions The Category description does not show up in the UI. I believe it is there for SEO purposes. Re: Do not show the "Search Granularity" dropdown in the search form widget? Now that we know the "how," I would be interested in the why. In particular, removing the user search means that people have to click the search button with no entry, or an irrelevant entry to get to a page where they can specify that they want a user search. That is confusing and many won't figure out that process. Additionally, if you add our Tribal Knowledge Base feature at some time, you can also focus your search there.