ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Mass Export Tags for Clean Up prior to Aurora? Perhaps you could use AI to organize/consolidate everything to at least help from and organization aspect. That is one thing that wasn't as baked nor as accessible as the time so it could help as well. Re: Mass Export Tags for Clean Up prior to Aurora? I think that tags and labels combined in the move to Aurora so think about that as well. Also I hadn't done the migration to Aurora yet. I was planning that move. I had done the Jive to Khoros move and that is where I hadn't consolidated even though I wanted to with the intent that we'd then move to Aurora when it was ready. Re: Mass Export Tags for Clean Up prior to Aurora? Drew_C I didn't end up having time to clean everything up as I wanted to. There just wasn't time to go through everything given the volume. I definitely would have like to do it. It was just too resource intensive and manual and didn't have anyone to write some type of script to consolidate if I had written up a schema for it. Re: Email bounce handling on Khoros communities I'm also wondering if there is someone who is working on fixing blacklisting issues if you use Sendgrid? I know that Khoros doesn't allow us to see our individual deliverability data. The only way to look at it is through community analytics which doesn't tell you any user level data or domain level data. The downside to us using our own proxy server to send emails is that we can't get reply-by-email to work which is a huge dissatisfier for the community members. It does allow us to see the bounce data however so I can monitor and fix blacklisting issues. If we send emails directly from Khoros using Sendgrid we don't have any visibility to know if we're black listed or if there is soft/hard bounces. Ideally we keep sending to the soft bounces and the hard bounces they're set to an unverified or disabled state until they login and ensure that the email address is valid again. Having a report or integration back into our IDP would be ideal as well to ensure that we're not continually sending to accounts that we know to be failing. Re: Email bounce handling on Khoros communities JohnDThanks I have a similar post here: octavian_krodycurrently we're using proxy emails because Khoros isn't HIPAA compliant so emails are relayed through our server. It might be SMTP. A HIPAA compliant email provider we work with does high volume emails for us. I'll see if I can check for you Re: Email bounce handling on Khoros communities octavian_krodyWondering the same and hoping that someone from Khoros can provide an answer.JohnDBlakeH Re: Manage avatars for your community thanksLarryI@there’s more to figure out though. I’m finding that many people only have their phone as their way to access the internet even older people who are on fixed income. While yes they can use zoom in their browser on their computer to enlarge the experience. If they know about it. It can make the experience unbearable to use the community. Yes you can enlarge things on your phone as well but it can become a bad experience as well. Why not just make some things a little bigger from the get go and anticipate accidental zooms. Do this Get a mouse with a scroll wheel and a volunteer 70 or older who would say they’re not tech savvy . Maybe your parent can be a volunteer . Get a 15-17” monitor. Then show them Hermes private messages at 100% zoom. Then instruct them how to use scroll wheel on mouse to zoom their browser up to their preferred level on the community Home Screen. Then send them a PM and have them return to the messages area to read the message and see their feedback All the time I’m helping members adjust their zoom on their computer because they’ve zoomed in on accident and then can’t read their PMs at all. Aurora should offer a better experience than hermes does. fyi. When you do an@mention it will auto add another@ on the next word even when not indenting to from the phone. Happens here on Atlas and my computer. Seems to be a bug. See above on word there’s Re: Manage avatars for your community Are there any controls about how big the avatars are? I know certainly as a page is built to be responsive the avatars must respect the layout. I ask because our members are feeling that avatar images are a bit small, especially for our older audience. It would be great to be able to make the Avatars a bit bigger than they are on Hermes so it's more obvious who's who. Communities have been around enough that the demographics of communities now serve members into older age and deteriorating eye-sight so we must be inclusive of people of all ages and visual strength, independent of accessibility. Re: Chat GPT in Online Communities ChatGPT is a hot topic. Feels FAD-ish to me at this point. Perhaps in live chat experiences where people know they're likely talking to AI it will be okay but not sure it has its place in an online community.... Is the thought to use ChatGPT to anticipate and respond to people and give a response as though there is an actual person there? I feel like this would break down all that we have worked to build. It just doesn't seem authentic. Not to mention the fall out if people discovered that the response was provided by AI. Will super users die out knowing they've been replaced with AI? Why bother answering if AI is going to provide an instantaneous reply? Why compete with that? I just don't see the internal drive to be committed to an online community any more. How will I find people that genuinely need a response who haven't already received a bot response? Would posts that use chatGPT from a bot be clearly labeled for transparency? Would you be able to filter out and see unanswered posts that only have responses from chatGPT bot? I guess I might be interested in seeing an option for a way to ChatGPT my response where I can see a preview of how it might change my response based on reading level of the community. And then I can choose to accept that revision or not. I would certainly worry that it changes my 'voice / tone' however and that also wouldn't feel genuine to me. My 0.02 for now... Re: Bulk Switching Labels Would love to use batch processing to assign a label (category). I did some specific searches and would love to assign most of the search results a label but can’t really though batch processing. So I have to go through 1 by 1.