LiQL to GraphQL example sets?
is there an example set of LiQL -> graphQL query conversions anywhere? For example, I use this LiQL query to pull the latest articles in my tkb: query = f"SELECT subject, view_href, body, labels FROM messages WHERE = '{tkb}' ORDER BY manual_sort, post_time desc limit 4" response = k.query(query)75Views0likes1CommentliqlAdmin in khoros aurora graphql API
Hi Folks, I want to add roles to the users using graphQL API given below. const ADD_USER_ROLE_MUTATION = gql` mutation addUsersToRole($roleKey: RoleKeyInput!, $users: [UserIdInput!]!) { addUsersToRole(roleKey: $roleKey, users: $users) { result { id name } } } `; const [addUserRole] = useMutation(ADD_USER_ROLE_MUTATION); addUserRole({ variables: { roleKey: { roleName: "role" }, users: [{ id: userId }] } }); The issue I am facing is that when this mutation is executed by an Admin user, the role is successfully added to the target user. However, when the same mutation is executed by a normal user, it fails to add the role due to permission denied errors. Is there a parameter or keyword that can be used in this mutation to allow a normal user to update their own roles or self-related data? For example, in Khoros Classic, we can use the liqlAdmin keyword in REST API requests to bypass such permissions. Is there an equivalent for GraphQL in Khoros Aurora? Thanks in Advance.Solved243Views0likes12CommentsUsing LiQL or SQL on Aurora instead of GraphQL?
We had an LiQL query we were using for years to surface community posts on our help center, and following the move to Aurora we need to update this to GraphQL. However, the developers on that team would prefer SQL/LiQL as their system is not set up for GraphQL. Is it possible to still use LiQL or SQL queries while on Aurora?168Views1like10CommentsError while fetching products data using graphql query
I am trying to fetch products related data but getting below mentioned error. Graphql: query MyQuery { products { edges { node { name description id } } } } Error: { "errors": [ { "message": "The field at path '/products' was declared as a non null type, but the code involved in retrieving data has wrongly returned a null value. The graphql specification requires that the parent field be set to null, or if that is non nullable that it bubble up null to its parent and so on. The non-nullable type is 'ProductConnection' within parent type 'Query'", "path": [ "products" ], "extensions": { "classification": "NullValueInNonNullableField" } } ], "data": null } Can someone please help me out here ? Thanks47Views0likes1CommentIncremental data for attachments in messages and replies
I am trying to get incremental data based on required datetime field for attachments related data in messages and replies. Can someone please help me with this ? Graphql queries for which I need incremental data is as follows: query Attachments { messages { edges { node { id attachments { edges { node { id filename url } } } } } } } Thanks117Views1like5CommentsIncremental data for users data
I am trying to bring USERS data incrementally though GraphQL API. The only relevant date time filter/constraints we can use is registration date, but the problem is that if a user profile is updated, we won't be getting that in incremental data based on registration date. Can someone please help me with this ? Is there some other datetime filter or constraints we should use to get this data incrementally ? Here is my current USERS GraphQL query for reference: query MyQuery { users( last: 1000 constraints: {registrationTime: {gte: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00", lte: "2024-10-01T00:00:00.000+00:00"}} ) { edges { node { id title firstName lastName email viewHref } } } } } Thanks, Aishwarya53Views0likes0CommentsError message when adding a query to handlebars component (Aurora)
I'm trying to follow the documentation on creating a custom handlebars component in Aurora and I'm running into a weird error that I can't figure out. I have added the component via a GraphQL mutation and it works fine with some basic HTML, but once I try to follow this doc: I'm running into some issues: There's no docs (at least not that I've found) that explain how to get the bearer token or where the file should be stored or how that works when using GraphQL to upload a GraphQL file to use in a component (see here: and I've been unable to figure out how to do this on my own. I've tried a few things with no success. If I try to follow the steps to add it manually, then I run into some strange errors. I'm running the SDK via VS code terminal which is working fine, but as soon as I follow the steps to add a "queries" folder and .graphql file to that folder within my component folder (e.g., components/myComponent/queries/myComponent.query.graphql) then I get an error in the VS Code terminal that says ""message": "The Content-Type header included with the request is not allowed (it should be either application/json or application/xml)."," and in my browser console when I try to load my custom component is: "Unable to fetch component to render for component id custom.widget.releaseTkbSidebar: Exception while fetching data (/component/render) : com.github.jknack.handlebars.HandlebarsException: releaseTkbSidebar:1:18: lithium.coreapi.components.ComponentTemplateApplyException: unable to apply template: releaseTkbSidebar: no query found matching the name 'releaseTkbSidebarQuery'. releaseTkbSidebar:1:18" Anyone know what's going on here? I've follow the dev docs and examples exactly (or as close as I can given that they've proven to be very inaccurate) and I'm out of things to test through trial and error. Here's what I have in my .hbs file for my custom component: <h2>Test!</h2> {{#gql "releaseTkbSidebarQuery"}} {{#with data.messages.edges as |edges|}} {{#each edges}} {{#with node as |message|}} <p>{{message.subject}}</p> {{/with}} {{/each}} {{/with}} {{/gql}} And here's what my .graphql query file looks like query releaseTkbSidebarQuery { messages { edges { node { id customFields subject } } } } My file structure looks like this Any help would be very much appreciated!91Views0likes5CommentsFacing issue with createTkbArticle GraphQL mutation
Hi, I am using the client credentials to make a server to server GraphQL api call to create a tkb article in one of the tkb board. But I am getting the following Error, for which I see no discussion in the forum or docs. Even Google doesn't show any results. Errors: [ { "message": "Exception while fetching data (/createTkbArticle) : lithium.util.NullArgumentException: defaultErrorType", "locations": [ { "line": 2, "column": 3 } ], "path": [ "createTkbArticle" ], "extensions": { "classification": "DataFetchingException" } } ] I am making the call from a node-express app, and just in case if it helps I am sharing the code snippet : const createTKBArticleMutation = ` mutation createTkbArticle($createInput: CreateTkbArticleInput!) { createTkbArticle(createInput: $createInput) { result { id } errors { __typename ... on NotValidPossibleValueError { message } ... on PermissionDeniedError { message } ... on InvalidHtmlError { message } ... on CustomFieldNotDefinedForEntityError { message } ... on RequiredCustomFieldNotSet { message } } } } `; const createTKBArticleVariables = { createInput: { subject: "Testing GraphQL TKB creation", body: "This article is created using GraphQL API, for testing the API itself.", // teaser: "This is a test teaser for the TKB article", // introduction: "This is a test introduction for the TKB article.", board: { id: "board:knowbler_tkb" } } }; const method = 'POST'; // const query = fetchTKBBoardsQuery; const query = createTKBArticleMutation; const options = { url: GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT, method: method, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${creds.accessToken}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, data: JSON.stringify({ query: query, variables: createTKBArticleVariables }) }; const response = await axios(options);54Views0likes0Comments