Join the Jamf Community team for this year's Jammies Awards!
You may know how much Jamf loves their customers, but did you know we have a whole awards ceremony for you called The Jammies? Yes, that's right, The Jammies! You can join the rest of the Jamf Community team and me on September 13th for live viewing of The Jammies! Click hereto register! You can find more information about our customer advocacy award ceremony here. And please, don't hesitate to ask questions before or after the show! I'd love to connect on how this part of our community started and why we enjoy engaging with our customers and community members in this way.14Views3likes0CommentsMarkdown converter for Aurora posts
Titans, Markdown support is a long-standing request** and technically the Aurora editor supports it far as I can tell it's not well received in it's current form. #clunky As CM of a technical community - I get a lot of "why don't you just...?" but today, instead, I was delighted with an "...I just did it." from a Solutions Architect. With his permission ( - I'm sharing said solution with the Khoros community managers - starting with Titans group. NOTICE: JasonG MaureenD My community editor is OOTB so any reference here to "DevCentral" is applicable to your Aurora community as well (maybe even classic? - untested). Articles = KB --- markdown-to-html.js is a Node.js script designed to convert GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) to raw HTML, specifically tailored for use with F5 DevCentral technical articles. This script provides a convenient way to prepare your markdown content for publication on F5 DevCentral, ensuring that code blocks are correctly styled and rendered. The Node.js marked package does most of the work under the covers. Features Converts GitHub Flavored Markdown to raw HTML Transforms code blocks to use DevCentral-specific <li-code> elements for proper styling Automatically assigns a default language (bash) to code blocks without a specified language Preserves the original markdown structure and formatting18Views1like1Comment