Aurora: Manage Follow and Notification preferences for your account
You can manage your follow and notification preferences for the community. Open the Account menu, and then click My Settings. Click Follows & Notifications. The page is divided into different areas for managing your follows and notifications: Follows You can filter the items you follow by clicking the drop-down menu (by default, All is selected) and choosing from among All, Content, Boards, Categories, Groups, or Tags. Once you’ve chosen your filter, you can hover your cursor over the followed item you want to manage, click the options menu, and Unfollow. Email Notifications To adjust your email notification preferences, Get Email Notifications must be turned on in your settings. When this is enabled, additional settings (Receive email notifications when…) appear that enable you to indicate the desired cadence for receiving email notifications. For all settings (except Edits are made to an article within a category or board I follow), you can select Never, Immediately, Daily Digest, or Weekly Digest from the drop-down menu. For the Edits are made to an article within a category or board I follow setting, you can choose from Never, For all edits (includes minor edits), or For all but minor edits. If you select any option but Never, email notifications for this setting are sent immediately. For settings on which you’ve selected Daily Digest or Weekly Digest, applicable notifications are bundled and sent together in one daily or weekly email, respectively. All settings indicate the feature area of the community to which they apply, such as All boards or KB articles and blog posts. Settings related to content apply to all content that you follow in the area indicated. Advanced Settings The following settings, which apply to both in-app (bell icon) and email notifications, enable you to personalize when you receive certain notifications. Select an option from the drop-down menu for each setting. When I’m following a Forum Discussion, notify me about New topics and replies New topics only Send me notifications on posts I have already read Never Always Related topics: About the member Profile page Manage community preferences for your account Manage security settings for your account409Views2likes0CommentsAurora: Manage security settings for your account
You can manage the security settings, such as your password and active sessions, for your account on the profile Security & Account tab in profile Settings. In the Password area, you can update your account password. In the Active Sessions area, you can sign out of all your community sessions associated with your account—this does not sign out the current session you are using to take this action. This may be necessary if you believe someone has accessed your account; in these cases, you should also change your password on this page. The Close Account area enables you to close your own account. For more information, see Close your community account. In the IP Addresses area, you can view and delete all the IP addresses you previously used to sign in to your account. This option is available for both SSO and non-SSO users. In the Download Data area, you can download a copy of your data that includes your Posts and replies and Personal Information in JSON format. This option is available for both SSO and non-SSO users. Related topics: About the member Profile page Manage community preferences for your account Manage Follow and Notification preferences for your account138Views1like4CommentsAurora: View another member's community profile
You can view another member’s profile when you come across them in the community or if you’ve searched for them specifically. To view the profile of someone you’ve encountered in the community, click their username. To search for a specific member: At the top-right corner of the page, click Search (magnifying glass icon). Enter the details you remember from the member’s name or username. When the list of results is displayed, click the result of the member whose profile you want to view. At the top of the community member's profile, you can then view their rank, email address, community join date, and totals of posts, likes, and accepted solutions. If you have the appropriate permissions, you can also click Message at the top right to send a private message to the member. Below that area, you can read their contributions to the community and view which groups they belong to. Related topics: About the member Profile page About the InboxAurora: Close your community account
If an administrator has granted community members permission to do so, you can close your community account from your profile. Note: If you close your account, you cannot reopen that same account later. You would need to create an entirely new account without any of the history of the current account. Open the Account menu and select My Settings. Click Security & Account. At the bottom of the page, click Close Account. On the confirmation window, enter your password. Click Close Account.134Views1like0Comments