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April 2023 Atlas Highlights

CoryD's avatar
Khoros Staff
2 years ago

Hello Atlas members!

Economic downturns are hard for most industries, digital included. People feel more hesitant about spending money, and many have less to spend. An economic downturn is the time to reevaluate strategies to make an impact with less money to go around. 

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Here’s the Atlas content you do not want to miss!
Some blog areas are limited to Khoros customers only. If you are a customer and unable to access anything, click the chat bubble (bottom right) and type Customer Access.

Social Media Marketers Guide to a Difficult Economy: 
We’ll share how social media marketers can weather the storm and continue to deliver in their jobs.

If you’re looking for a partner for a one-off strategic project or for ongoing support marketing in a recession, connect with an expert in Strategic Services here.

The High Cost of Low Agent Retention + AUDIBLE VERSION
Losing and hiring frontline customer care agents can cost more than a few lost customers. Can you afford to lose more?

[Podcast] How Many Jobs Can One Well-Run Customer Engagement Community Perform? 
In this episode,
Keith Buchanan, Adobe’s Experience League Community Architect, explores the many key functions a well-run customer engagement community can perform.


3 Best practices for Approval Workflows + Tune-Up Checklist
When it comes to protecting your brand, automated and configurable approval workflows allow for the right sets of eyes to greenlight content before it gets pushed live to your social pages.

Building and Integrating Custom Metrics [Video/Blog]
In this short tutorial, we show you when it would be useful to build custom metrics, how to create them, and how to integrate them into your dashboard

Now Available: Create & Save targeting profiles for LinkedIn
This new feature enhances LinkedIn's functionality by allowing users to create and save Targeting Profiles, and limit publishing access to specific profiles.

With Targeting Profiles, you can conveniently save commonly used targeting configurations at the initiative level on LinkedIn.


Practical Strategies To Handle Volume Spikes and Restricted Capacity
With an influx of volume and unpredictable spikes, there are good options to better operationalize your agents in Khoros Care. This article highlights immediate automation opportunities and offers some strategy and guidance on how to proceed.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous Conversation Priorities
There is no set number on how quickly you should respond, and you cannot base your response times on what other brands are doing. If you are doing things the same as your competitor, you may just be setting yourself up for failure.

The best way to think about this is how quickly your customer expects you to respond to specific questions/posts. 

Brand Messenger emoji picker
The new emoji picker is now available for Brand Messenger. This setting is turned on by default and enables agents to include emojis in their interactions with customers.


Community Aurora Product Documentation Now Live!
Aurora is Khoros’ re-imagined Community delivers a sleek, modern, high-performance UX framework that adheres to community best practices while still giving brands complete flexibility to make changes or updates to address their specific needs.

Dark Mode has arrived at the Developer Doc Portal!
According to a 2020 survey, 70% of software engineers prefer dark mode over traditional brighter user experiences. When you're browsing through API documentation to find the endpoint(s) you need to get the job done, a bright white screen may not be the best option for you.

This new experience is now standard across our entire Developer Documentation Portal for anyone that has dark mode set as their operating system's default. You can also toggle dark mode on and off using the sun/moon icon in the upper-right corner of the site.


Webinars & Events
Some event areas are limited to Khoros customers only. If you are a customer and unable to access anything, click the chat bubble (bottom right), and type Customer Access.


Khoros Care Advanced Product Webinar: Leveraging Smart Views
Thursday, April 27th
8am PST | 10am CT | 11am EST


Engaging Atlas Discussions
Some discussion areas are limited to Khoros customers only. If you are a customer and unable to access anything, click the chat bubble (bottom right) and type Customer Access.

Thanks to CoolSunilG for bringing up a great topic: how to pull a list of users who were removed from the community. jamiemccardle, and CyJervis chimed in with some helpful ideas - way to go, y'all!

Some topics may be good for building community, but can conflict with metrics like Time To First Response (TTFR), keithkelly points out. What's the best solve? Many of our Titans chimed in with advice and ideas, proving once again what a fantastic crew they are - high five to all of you!


Top Engaged Contributors
Special thanks to the current Atlas Top Engaged Contributors: jamiemccardleCyJervis, LiefAkenefickluk, StanGromer, tyw, keithkelly, CarolineS,  and JasonHill!

Want a chance to be a part of this elite group?
Learn about what it takes to ascend to Titan status


Updated 2 years ago
Version 3.0