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Khoros Insights Blog

Atlas Highlights - March 2021

CoryD's avatar
Khoros Staff
5 years ago

Hello, to all of our Atlas members!

Can you believe how fast time flies? This month's highlights blog also marks my one year anniversary with Khoros! I've enjoyed every second of it, and I hope to continue doing all I can to craft and coordinate some of the best content Khoros has to offer. 

Speaking of the best crafted content. Have you heard about the Khoros Titans? 

The Khoros Titans program is a brand new program to recognize our users who are highly engaged throughout their journey with Khoros.  

Titans will be rewarded for their continued engagement with Khoros with a wide range of networking opportunities for personal and professional advancement and increased access to Khoros' resources. Keep an eye out for showcased blogs and highlights from our Titans around the community. 

You can take a look at who the Titans are on the Titans program page. You’ll also be able to identify the Titans on Atlas by a blue badge next to their name on posts and the Titan badge on their profile. 

Khoros will be encouraging users to qualify for Titans and welcoming new members monthly - check out the requirements and join the Titans!


Here’s the Atlas content you do not want to miss!

Some blog areas are limited to Khoros customers only. If you are a customer and unable to access anything, email us at, and we’ll help.

Khoros Roadmap Webinar | Resource Round-up | 2021 Q1

Missed the webinar, or just want a recap? Check out our on-demand videos, plus a roundup of helpful resources to navigate through all the information.

Announcing the Khoros Titans Program

Take a few minutes to review our new user recognition program at Khoros!

Introducing Topbox CX Analytics

This webinar includes a product demonstration of our newly acquired CX Analytics platform and augmenting existing Khoros solutions with omnichannel analytics. 

3 social and digital trends to watch in 2021

See what our Strategic Services Team uncovered from Khoros Intelligence, native platform insights, and third-party data in the latest Khoros Smart Social Report.

Step 1: Multichannel Search - 5 Steps to Intelligence Mastery

In this series, our Product Coaching experts share the most commonly used features of our Intelligence product with real examples you can use in your day-to-day. 

Know Your Role: Re-Org Tips to Facilitate Your Customer Needs

If you haven’t considered these four reorganization tips, you may already be behind.

Analyze, Optimize & Grow - Modernizing Digital Care: Pt 3.2

Let’s talk about what to do with all the data you have gathered from your analysis!

How We Built It: Email Ingestion & Response in Care

The Atlas Team is leveraging cutting-edge Care feature updates to streamline workflow and report on email in new and exciting ways.

Advice for DEI in your Online Communities

What are you doing to ensure that your online community is diverse, equitable, and inclusive?

Comments List Syndication - Create Syndicated Network of Discussion

This blog elaborates on the newly launched Comments Syndication Feature - A powerful tool to create a network of syndicated discussions.


Webinars & Events

Understanding TikTok for Brands 

Save Your Spot! March 25 • 1pm CT | 1pm GMT

Care Advanced Webinar: Choosing the Right Tool for the Job 

Save Your Spot! Mar 11, 2021 • 10am CT

Marketing Roadmap Deep Dive Webinar 

APAC, Save Your Spot! | Mar 31, 2021

America Save Your Spot! | Mar 31, 2021

EMEA Save Your Spot! | Mar 31, 2021

Khoros Roadmap Webinar | February 2021 

Watch On-Demand

Introducing Topbox CX Analytics 

Watch On-Demand


Engaging Atlas Discussions

Some discussion areas are limited to Khoros customers only. If you are a customer and unable to access anything, email us at and we’ll help.

How are YOU using Group Hubs?: Legendary Titan, CarolineS, is looking for inspiration from how other users are utilizing Group Hubs. Share some of your ideas or examples!

Idea Exchange communications: A few users have been sharing their Idea Exchange expertise with Uncommon Titan, i_am_ryan. Don't miss out on contributing to this wealth of information.

Team Size and Structure: The New (Hopefully) Mega-thread: I think we can build this into a true mega-thread. Join the conversation about your most important resource, the people on your team.

Link In Bio: We have been gathering feedback on the ‘Link in Bio’ feature which we believe will help you better demonstrate your social ROI. Check out how others are utilizing the feature, and let us know what you want from it.


Top Engaged Contributors

We’ve expanded our top engaged list to show off more of our fantastic community members! 

Thank you, everyone, for your engagement on Atlas, and a special thanks to our Top Contributors, CarolineS, MarkSchwanke, elbranscomb, AbhishekIlindra, JasonHill, Drew_C, i_am_ryan, StanGromer, Claudius, and HSCommunity !

Want a chance to be a part of this elite group?

Take part in Atlas discussions and contribute to this innovative community.

Updated 5 years ago
Version 1.0


  • Happy anniversary CoryD and thanks to all contributors this month. The year is off to a great start.



  • Thanks for calling out my thread about group hubs, CoryD! I know ya'll are doing neat things with group hubs and I want to learn from you!

    Great writeup as usual and congrats to all the top contributors!