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Khoros Insights Blog

CMAD Resources You Can Use

BlakeH's avatar
Khoros Staff
4 years ago

January 24th will soon be upon us, and with it, the ever-awesome CMAD.

As community managers, we’re always on and immersed in the communities we moderate. The threat of burnout is real, and so is the need for time to rest, recover, and (most of all) put ourselves and our health first.

That’s what makes Community Manager Advancement Day so important - because while these practices should happen daily, it’s important for us as a group to focus on advancing ourselves first and foremost. 

In recognition of the amazing work you do day-in and day-out with your own communities, we at Khoros have once again gathered up-to-date resources you can use - today, right now - to advance yourself. 

Use them to grow your community management skills, while giving yourself some inner peace and calm.


Getting Started

Read the Community Manager Burnout blog, with some time-management tips that every social media and community manager should know.


Our Favorite Strategy Guides & How-Tos 


Inspiration & Case Studies


Taking Care of Yourself 


Industry News & Insights

Reviewing Foundations (Atlas Login Required) 

Finally, if you get a moment, don’t forget to check out the latest articles from the CMX team, who are putting together their own resources for CMAD.

Is anything missing from this list? Please let us know, and share your favorite CMAD resources below.

Updated 10 months ago
Version 7.0