Blog Post
Hello TommyL,
Thanks for commenting on my blog.
Yeah, If you read my bio, you will know that prior to my entry to the industry, I was a computatinal neuroscientist, who does research on primate visual processing. There are just so many places that the human visual system that is superior to machine vision. Pattern recognition is one, but the ability to generalize is another that is very hard to match by machines. We see a chiwawa and a German shepherd, we know they are both dogs dispite the stark difference in appearance.
I'm glad this post resonated with you.
And thx for sharing the wind map page. There are facilities that maps data to visual and auditory patterns (like the wind map) specifically to leverage human's ability ot recognize patterns and detect outliers in the data. Here are a few examples:
- Allosphere in UCSB
- Deloitte's Analytic HIVE (Highly Immersive Visual Environment)
- ASU's Decision Theater
OK, thanks for commeting and sharing my work.
I hope to see you next time.