Blog Post
Hello Jonathan,
Lithium implement a lot of game dynamics in our product without being very explicity about it excep the reputation engine. I've written a series of blog articles on how we design our reputation system's ranking ladders. It leverages the state of flow that I mentioned in this article.
Aside from the ranking ladder, there are leader boards, and the ranks are associated with other permissions (i.e. roles) in the system to enable users who earn a certain rank to get special access privilege. There are a lot that are not very organized. Lithium spun off a gaming community, and the game dynamics were just part of our DNA. So our founders were not particularly careful in documenting these, since they live and breath it every day. I hope that we have a more systematic way to incorporate game dynamics in our platform in the future.
Anyway, I hope I've address your question. Hope to see you again next time.