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Release Notes & Updates

Group Hubs Overview and Use Cases

JacobBo's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
6 years ago

Groups are quickly becoming synonymous with communities. There are currently over 10 million Facebook Groups with over 1.4 billion members — and they have done so much to connect people around shared interests and start valuable conversations.  

However, Groups on Social media sites (or subReddits) are significantly limited compared to full-fledged brand communities. The difference between groups on social network platforms and groups on brand communities is that brand communities have tailored the experience for their audience and secured the data instead of using it for advertising and targeting purposes. In addition, groups in social media are dependent on a group of volunteers to maintain a vibrant and healthy space - which is the main reason why many of these groups have short lifespans. Finally, social network groups are not built to generate and store knowledge for future users to find - therefore much of the value generated is lost very quickly.


Brand communities should think about creating groups around popular social group topics that matter to them or to suit certain business purposes. They can be organized geographically, by language, by product, by their role, or just around shared interests that don’t relate to the products and services you offer (cat lovers, anyone?)


Our new Group Hubs feature in Khoros Communities is unique in branded online communities because it enables your community administrators or users to create, organize, and manage their own groups — cutting out the need for an employee administrator and reducing the overhead required to enable these highly engaging community conversations. Here is a short video to illustrate.

Group Hubs can include one of any discussion type

Any type of conversation you want to have in your community you can have within a Group Hub. Whether that’s asking your users to contribute to a new product idea, creating a collaboration space between internal and external stakeholders, or focusing a discussion about a local topic like photography. With Group Hubs, scale collaboration across your community by empowering users to say what they want to say, how they want to say it, without worrying as much about your community architecture.

Group Hubs types and Use Cases

That’s all pretty high level — so let’s look at a few use cases and early customer examples:

1. Hidden group hub — Closed Betas

Hidden groups are only visible to members. Khoros actually did this for our own upcoming product releases. We created a hidden group for our Early Access users of Group Hubs.  This enabled us to get feedback from the most motivated customers and also gather information about use cases and documentation needs we hadn’t thought of. It has also enabled me to write this blog!

2. Closed Group — VIP Members

Closed groups are visible publicly but have exclusive membership controlled by the admin. Therefore a superfan or superuser group is ideally a closed group. You could also run a moderator subgroup, a Group Hub for Group Hub admins, or for employees using this format.

3. Open Group — San Francisco Cat Lovers

An open Group Hub enables use cases where it’s more important to show affinity via membership, rather than hiding or restricting content. Common examples of open Group Hub types are affinity groups based on certain topics (such as PC gaming enthusiasts) or regions.


Group Hubs are now generally available

As of this week, Group Hubs are out of early access and are generally available. For existing users, that means that analytics, APIs, and migration tools from groups to Group Hubs are now available. For new users, Group Hubs are a significant addition to a community. They are a new interaction type, and brands need to think through how they will architect them, who gets what administrative permissions (now that customers can manage these groups independently), and how they will look. Our recommendation is to contact your Customer Success manager to get started. Here are some other resources to help get started: 

Group Hubs Overview Template (Attached) helps to create a plan and align a team to support a new group hub.

 Get started with these articles from our Documentation (Customers Only):

About Groups Hubs

Group Hubs best practices

Group to Group Hubs migration

Group Hubs pages and quilts

Group Hubs components

Updated 8 months ago
Version 4.0


  • JA Thank you for the post! I'm not able to see the video mentioned. Just me? Interested to learn more about Group Hubs!

  • Thanks JacobBo 

    • Hidden group hub — Great stuff - these are very valuable learning and engagement environments that are difficult to create with current Groups.
    • Multiple content types, boards, allowed within Group Hubs - also very helpful. Now a Group can have Forums to exchange information, Blogs to share and teach, and most importantly Ideas. 



  • JacobBo's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    6 years ago

    One of our customers, Cultura has an amazing example of Group Hubs and I just had to share here. 

  • Hello everyone, 

    I have created a Closed Group Hub. What happens when someone posts a new article in the TKB for example? Will it be listed in the "Community Activities"? If so, can anyone view its content?

    And what if I change the Group Hub to Hidden? Will the article being posted in the TKB be listed in the "Community Activities"?