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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Care Release Notes, week of February 7, 2022

MarenJ's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
4 years ago

Khoros Care updates do not require any downtime. This release will be deployed with no expected impact to your operations until you configure the new features. If you do not yet see the new features, they will be pushed to your system later in the week.

New Features 

Agent permissions for viewing redacted content 

Khoros Care already supports the ability to create content filtering rules that redact sensitive or personally identifiable information. Although this information is redacted in Agent View, it can still be exposed and viewed by an agent if necessary, as shown below.

With this release, we’ve added an Allow Agent to Unredact option that lets you control whether agents can view redacted content associated with a specific inbound content rule.

By default, this option is enabled for all content rules. To prevent agents from viewing redacted content for a specific rule, you can manually disable this option.

Note: The Allow Agent to Unredact option only appears when Scrub Content is disabled. When content scrubbing and replacement is in effect for a rule, the content is automatically deleted upon ingestion into Khoros Care, and therefore cannot be viewed by any user.

See our article on Content Filtering for more information.

Manage View

Date Range Time Filter

We have further enhanced the time interval filters for Manage View. In this release we have added the Older Than filter option, a counterpart to the Newer Than filter option. The range selector itself is also more granular: you can choose newer/older than years, months, days, hours, etc. by specifiying the interval and numerical value you want.  

The Older Than filter option enables you to set a time boundary and see all content older than that bound. For example, if you set the time range to 24 hours, it displays everything older than yesterday, whereas Newer Than shows you everything that came in yesterday up until now.  

The default value for this filter is "Newer Than 7 Days" to match the prior default functionality: the Newer Than filter is identical in function to the Live option which it replaced.

These new date range options support a wider range of important filtering applications: see the list just below the screenshot for some examples.

Note: Conversation and Smart View columns offer an unlimited history, from the time your company began using the Khoros engagement. This is a significant extension over the more limited history view that Manage View provided in the past.  By comparison the real-time Post and Moderation columns remain more limited, providing a look at the past three (3) months of real-time post activity. This limited period will be extended throughout the year depending on customer use cases for historical post-level data.

You can use the Older Than filter to find:

  • Posts older than 24 hours that do not have engagements by choosing the No Engagement status for columns of interest;
  • Threads that are older than one week that do not have Accepted Solutions by excluding the new Solved tag. (See below).

Note: When using this new filter for the first time, you might see an error in the selector. You can execute a forced reload of the component (for example, SHIFT+F5 or CTRL+SHIFT+R for Chrome|Windows, SHIFT+Command+R Chrome|Mac) to reload the Date Range component.

Learn more about the Manage View time interval filter.

Topic Posts with Solved Tag

When a topic post is designated as having an accepted solution, the conversation containting the solution has always appeared in Response bearing an Accepted Solution tag. However, if the underlying thread had been split into more than one conversaton, the conversatons not containing the solution were not marked. With this new enhancement all conversations contains this solved topic post are marked as Solved.  

The benefit? Previously, to search for unsolved posts, you could create a Manage View filter or a Smart View and exclude the Accepted Solution tag. However, the result set also included all conversations based on the solved topic post that contained the non-solution posts, and hence found conversations based on the (solved) Topic Post that did not convey the fact that they had been solved. That meant extra work for you. The Solved tag addesses this; By excluding the Solved tag you now see a list limited to only truly unsolved Topic Posts, saving you time.

Edit Post and Subject 

As a Community Moderator or a Manage View Admin, you can edit the post subject line as well as the post itself in the conversation panel as you moderate your Khoros community.

Usage Notes: 
To edit the subject line of the post:

  • you need to have Manage View Moderator or Admin privileges;
  • you must claim the post prior to editing. 

You found it. We fixed it. 


  • Resolved an issue that caused the “Like” system-applied tag to persist on a Facebook post in Agent View even after an agent had unliked the post. 

Manage View

  • Previously, when you tagged a post as Accepted Solution in the community, it did not reflect in the Manage View conversation panel.  You can now see accepted solution tags adjacent to the post from the conversation panel. 
Updated 9 months ago
Version 7.0


  • RhysD's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    4 years ago

    Can someone elaborate this statement more clearly? It's a bit confusing and not sure how to explain it to others? 

    "Conversation and Smart Views contain unlimited look-back history from the time you began using the Khoros engagement. This is because Post and Moderation columns are real-time lists of inbound posts rather than conversations; the look-back period is limited to three (3) months." 

  • DaveEv's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    4 years ago

    Hi RhysD ,

    Conversation (and Smart View) columns differ from Post (and Moderation) columns in several ways. For example, because routing, priority, assignment...are all conversation properties only the Conversation (and Smart View) columns have filters for these.

    But they differ in even more fundamental way, and hence names of the columns: the Conversation and Smart View columns shows conversation, where the Post and Moderation columns show posts, whether they are part of a conversation or not. This may seem like "wait, what?" but hold that thought--there are important use cases where this distinction matters.

    The data source for both Post and Moderation columns is (simplified) direct from the source channel firehose or similar delivery method. As each POST arrives, it is displayed in a post column, in real time, typically 1-2 secs after delivery.

    By comparison, the data source for Conversation and Smart View columns (again, simplified) is the Care data store, after routing, priority, placement into a conversation...have all occurred. This can be 1-2 minutes after arrival, and it is ALWAYS in the context of a conversation.

    So how does "lookback" factor into this? First, the Post and Moderation columns are intended to provided a look at each post as it arrives for immeidate review, for example by a Moderator. And recalling the "not a conversaton yet" use mentioned above, looking at Community posts, for example, there are posts arriving from Community board that may not be approved for viewing yet. Since they are not approved, they will NOT be placed into a conversation unitl they are approved. So, the Post and Mod columns can display these so that Moderators can review and approve, at which point they are processed by Care and placed into the appropriate conversation. Spam, pre-mod content, boards with a non-zero resoonse delay, etc. all fall into this category.

    Finally, the Conversation and Post data stores are different, as noted above. The Conversation store holds all data for all time for any given customer, with the exception of things like expunged content (think GDPR). The Post store, becuase it is intended to provide a real-time service across the platform, holds content for only a limited amount of time: history is maintained in the Conversation store. Therefore the lookback period is by definition shorter in the Post column: it is currenlty 3 months, and will be extended later this year to 6 months. 

    BIG NOTE: Manage View, all columns, have ALWAYS been limited to 6 months. So aside from the interim shortening of the lookback (related to a data perfromance enhancement late last year), the real change is that Conversation and Smart View columnsnow have full-history access. This is really important, for example, when asking quesitons like "Which of my Accepted Solutions over five years old still get a lot of traffic?"

    Let me know of this makes sense -- a longer explanation but I think this helps to convey the true value of why we made this change, and helps more poeple understand the imprtant differences between the varisou column types and why we have them.