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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Care Release Notes, week of November 29, 2021

MarenJ's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
4 years ago

Khoros Care updates do not require any downtime. This release will be deployed with no expected impact to your operations until you configure the new features. If you do not yet see the new features, they will be pushed to your system later in the week.

New Features

Threaded Instagram comments and replies

Last week, we announced the exciting new capability to show public Instagram comments and replies as nested threads in Khoros Care. 

Previously, it was difficult for agents to visualize Instagram comments and replies in context, which made it challenging to respond appropriately from Care. Thanks to recent changes in Instagram’s API, we’re able to render these conversations with appropriate hierarchy and similar formatting to the native Instagram app.

Here’s an example of a threaded public conversation as it appears in the native Instagram app, and how it displays for an agent in Khoros Care:

No action is required on your part to take advantage of the new functionality. All new Instagram conversations are created with the proper contextual threading and hierarchy.

Author browsing history for Modern Chat widgets

To provide faster and better support, it’s often helpful for agents to know which pages a customer has visited on your website. With this release, we’ve added the option to collect browsing history for authors who interact with your brand using Modern Chat. 

You can enable the collection of browsing history at the Modern Chat widget level. 

To collect author browsing history:

  1. Go to Care Settings > Brand Messenger > Modern Chat.
  2. Hover over the widget for which you want to collect browsing history and click the Global Widget Settings (gear wheel) icon.
  3. Under the new Web History heading, click the Collect author’s history while visiting site toggle.
  4. Click Save.

With this setting enabled, Khoros Care tracks all web pages the user visits on your website, provided that those pages contain the relevant Modern Chat messaging widget.

Where to view author browsing history

Agents can view an author’s browsing history while handling a Modern Chat conversation. The list of visited URLs appears in the Author panel, under the History tab.

At this time, the collection of browsing history is supported for Modern Chat exclusively. 

Learn more about Modern Chat.

Language Metadata Visibility for Brand Messenger

When Khoros Care ingests a Brand Messenger conversation, the associated metadata includes the author’s browser language. You can now use Metadata Visibility settings to control whether that information is visible to agents. 

To make language metadata visible to agents for incoming Brand Messenger posts:

  1. Go to Care Settings > Developer > Metadata Visibility.
  2. Under Metadata Visible to All Users in Agent View, click to expand the Brand Messenger section.
  3. Find the “language” metadata field name and click the toggle to turn on visibility:
  4. Click Save Network.

When an agent clicks Show Metadata on a Brand Messenger post, they can now see the author’s language as part of the visible metadata:

Learn more about Metadata Visibility.

New Modern Chat language variants

With this release, we’ve expanded the Modern Chat language variant list to include:

  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Spanish (Castilian)
  • Spanish (LATAM)  
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Portuguese (Portugal)

These new language variant options enable you to provide a more targeted and localized chat experience for the relevant regions. 

You can localize your Modern Chat for different languages at both the theme level and the rule level. Wherever this capability exists, you’ll see a language variant option:

Note that language detection is based on the settings in the visitor's browser, regardless of the region they are actually located.

Language localization for Prechat Forms

As mentioned above, Khoros Care already supports the ability to add your own language variants for simple Prechat Messages as part of chat rules. With this release, we’ve added language localization support for Prechat Forms.

Note: Prechat Forms must be configured for your account by Khoros. If you want to make an existing prechat form available in other languages, or if you want to learn more about using Prechat Forms with your Modern Chat rules, contact your Account Executive.

Once Khoros has created an alternate language version of your Prechat Form, it will be displayed to customers whose browser language matches the form language. You don’t need to create separate rules to enable each language variant; simply select the original Prechat Form name in its primary language when creating your rule.

New "Browser Language" condition for Modern Chat rules

We’ve added “Browser Language” to the list of available proactive chat criteria for Modern Chat rules. When creating a rule, you can now add a condition under Who will see this message? that uses a visitor’s browser language when determining whether to display the chat widget.

To add a Browser Language condition to a Modern Chat rule:

  1. Go to Care Settings > Brand Messenger > Modern Chat and click on the chat widget for which you want to add or edit an existing rule. 
  2. To add a rule, click the New Rule in the upper right corner of the page.
    To edit an existing rule, click the Edit (pencil) icon for that rule.
  3. Under Who will see this message?, click Add Condition.
  4. Select Browser Language from the drop-down list of condition options. 
  5. In the Value field, type the desired language code. For example, type “fr” for French.

    Use the in operator if you want the widget to only display for users with their browser language set to French.

    Use the
    not in operator if you want the widget to only display for users with their browser language set to something other than French (i.e. if you want to ensure the widget does not display when browser language is set to French).
  6. Click Save.

If you need to enter multiple language codes, be sure to add a comma between each one. 

Note: If you’ve created other AND/OR conditions for a chat rule, those conditions will also impact whether or not the widget displays to a specific visitor.

Learn more about Modern Chat Rules and Conditions.

Developer Updates

New Recipes Feature in Developer Docs

Our Developer Docs are expanding! We're in the process of writing a whole series of "Recipes" which enable us to highlight individual lines in JSON request bodies and give more detailed guides for common use cases.

Recipes empower us to embed detailed JSON breakdowns within our guides and API reference materials. Our plans are to release new recipes regularly, focusing on common and not-so-common use cases as we expand our library.

An example recipe for registering a new monitoring bot can be found here.

You found it. We fixed it.


  • Previously, in a Push Next configuration, no conversations were being displayed in the Assigned to Me queue for agents with a yellow unavailable agent status. Now, in these circumstances, agents can view and take action on their Assigned to Me conversations while still not receiving new pushed conversations.

Engagement Manager

We fixed several issues related to Engagement Manager:

  • Earlier the filter drop-down menu did not close when you clicked outside the menu area. This has been fixed now, you can click anywhere outside the filter drop-down menu for it to disappear. 

  • If the number of texts is exceeded in the conversation panel, you had to scroll left to be able to read the entire content, you can now read the entire content that fits the window.

Updated 8 months ago
Version 10.0
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