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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Communities 19.4 Release Notes

JohnD's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
6 years ago

New Features

Mute all notifications for specific community threads

From time to time, a particular community post/thread can get lots of activity. So much, in fact, that some members can get inundated with activity notifications (for edits, replies, messages). When this happens, members can now opt to mute the thread temporarily or permanently.

Prerequisite: Your community must be on Forums version 4.1 to use the mute thread option. Go to Studio > Features > Forums to change the feature version. Learn more about Feature Versions.

To mute notifications on a particular thread:

  1. Sign in to the community and go to the thread you want to mute.
  2. Open the Options menu and click Mute.

  3. To restore notifications on this thread, open the Options menu again and click Unmute.

Members can easily review and manage all their muted items from their "My Subscriptions" page:

  1. Sign in to the community and go to My Settings.
  2. Click Subscriptions & Notifications.
  3. On the My Subscriptions tab, click Manage Muted Items.

  4. In the list of muted items, click Delete (trashcan icon) for each thread you’d like to unmute.


Mute functionality added to General subscription notification email template

In addition to the ability to mute a thread from the topic Options menu described above, members who receive email notifications about thread activity can also opt to mute future notifications directly from the email by clicking the mute the topic link.

The mute topic link has been added to the General subscription notification email template. If you have not customized this template in Studio, no action is necessary, and the mute link is added automatically when using Forums version 4.1. (If you are not using Forums 4.1, the mute topic link does not appear in your emails.)

However, if you have customized either the text or HTML version of this template and want to include this new functionality in your email template when using Forums version 4.1, you must either re-apply your customizations to the new, default template in Studio or add the following code/text to your customized template.

To add the “mute this topic” link to the General subscription notification email template:

  1. Go to Community > Studio.
  2. Go to Text Editor > Email Text.
  3. Select the General subscription notification template.
  4. Click View.
  5. In the text version of the template, find this paragraph and add the text in red:
    If you don’t want to receive notification for this topic, then unsubscribe the board here:
    #if ($mailActions.canMuteSubscriptions)
        #if (${isMessageSub})
    If you do not want to receive notification for this message, then unsubscribe the message here:
        #elseif (${isTopicSub})
            If you do not want to receive notification for this message, then unsubscribe the topic here:
    ${mailActions.unsubscribeThreadUrl} or mute the message here: ${mailActions.muteMessageSubscriptionUrl}
        #elseif (${isBoardSub})
            If you do not want to receive notification for this topic, then unsubscribe the board here: ${mailActions.unsubscribeBoardUrl} or mute the topic here: ${mailActions.muteThreadSubscriptionUrl}

  6.  In the HTML version of the template, find this paragraph and add the text in red:
        #if ($mailActions.canMuteSubscriptions)
            #if (${isMessageSub})
                If you do not want to receive notification for this message, <a
    href="${mailActions.unsubscribeMessageUrl}">unsubscribe the message</a>.
            #elseif (${isTopicSub})
                If you do not want to receive notification for this message, <a href="${mailActions.unsubscribeThreadUrl}">unsubscribe the topic</a> or <a href="${mailActions.muteMessageSubscriptionUrl}">mute the message</a>.
            #elseif (${isBoardSub})
                If you do not want to receive notification for this topic, <a href="${mailActions.unsubscribeBoardUrl}">unsubscribe the board</a> or <a href="${mailActions.muteThreadSubscriptionUrl}">mute the topic</a>.
  7. Click Save.

Promoted Search metrics

In the 18.12 Release, we introduced Promoted Search, which enabled you to associate specific searches to specific community URLs to “boost” specific pieces of content to the top of the search results list.

Starting with 19.4, you can now view Promoted Search metrics in Community Analytics, formerly called Lithium Social Intelligence (LSI).

Note: Promoted Search analytics is currently in EA. To request access to this feature, open a Support ticket.

Note: You can view Promoted Search data collected since March 20, 2019.

To view Promoted Search metrics:

  1. Sign in to the community.
  2. Click Lithium Social Intelligence in the Community Dashboard.
  3. Click the SEARCH tab.
  4. (Optional) Click a time period in the metric header.
  5. Scroll down to the new, Promoted Results table.

For each article displayed in the Content list, the Promoted Results table provides these metrics:

  • Click from Suggestions: Number of times specific promoted content was clicked from the auto-suggestions drop-down menu.
  • Clicks from Search: Number of times the promoted content was clicked from the Search Results page.
  • Impressions: Number of times the promoted content was displayed in Search Results page. (This value does not include any impressions from the auto-suggestions drop-down menu.)
  • Click Rate: The ratio of clicks to impressions. For example, if the link for a promoted piece of content was displayed 100 times and users click the link 20 times, the Click Rate would be 20%.
  • Keywords: The number of keywords/terms that have been associated with each piece of content. (Keywords are defined in Admin > Content > Promoted Search screen.) To see the exact keywords for the promoted search rule, hover over the number.

What happens if a promoted search rule is changed?

If someone edits an existing promoted search rule (changing the keywords or associated content URL), events will be updated based on new keywords. Community Analytics will not be aggregating data based on rule or keyword; it aggregates data based on the content URL/keyword combination. Therefore, if a keyword or URL changes, the Promoted Search table displays a new data row for this combination.

Learn more about Promoted Search.

Best Match sort option in User search results

We’ve added a new “Best Match” sort option for results on the Users Search Results page:

Best Match returns the most relevant users for the user search query. Previously, you could sort by Username, Rank, Posts, or Registration Date. The Best Match option sorts user results as follows:

  • First: Top-ranked users who have exact matches for first name, last name, email ID, or login name (in that order).
  • Followed by: Users with partial name matches in their login names.

Note: The order is determined in the same way as in user mentions. The more precise the match, the higher it displays in the list/results.

Note: To enable the Best Match sort option, you must upgrade to Search version 3.3.

Editor V2 GA

We are happy to announce the GA release of Editor v2. Previously available in the 19.1 and 19.2 releases as part of our Early Access program, Editor v2 improves the overall message editing experience and adds several new features.

Note: To have Editor v2 enabled, you must open a Support ticket.

As part of the GA announcement, Editor v2 includes these additional enhancements:

  • Emoji name displayed on hover: Now, when you hover over an emoji in the message editor or in published message, the name of the emoji displays.
  • Emoji alias support: Now, when you manually type in the alias for an emoji (for example, “:smiley:”) without using the auto-suggest menu the emoji renders.
  • Upload video on mobile: Editor v2 supports mobile video uploads (up to 9.5 GB; default is 50 MB) from your iOS or Android device. Simply click the Media icon on your mobile device and choose to take a video or upload an existing video from your Photo library.

Note: This feature applies only to communities that have video upload enabled. Image and video upload is initiated via the same Media icon on mobile. If video upload had not been enabled for the community, only the image upload option will be available.

Learn about the new features included in Editor v2.

Dependencies between Editor v2 and Mentions v2

With the GA release of Editor v2, there are some dependencies between Editor and Mention versions, as follows:

  • Currently using Mentions v2 and Editor v1: When you move to Editor v2, all of your current Mentions v2 settings are unchanged.

Currently using Mentions v1 and Editor v1: When you move to Editor v2, Mentions v2 is enabled automatically and the Content Mentions feature is turned on by default. If you do not want to use Content Mentions on your community, you can disable it. Go to Community Admin > Features > @Mentions and clear the Turn on Content Mentions checkbox.

Q&A Syndication now available

Bring your brand’s voice and surface interactive discussions outside of your community. Echo real-time conversations, bring contextual help, tips, or contextual guidance to your customer experience. .

Case Portal metrics GA

We are happy to announce the GA release of our Case Portal metrics available in Community Analytics. Learn more about Case Portal metrics.

Change to Search Results page behavior

To improve overall performance of the Search Results page, we have changed the way that the Labels filter behaves when present on the Search Results page.

Note: Most customers do not include the Labels filter on the Search Results page, so this change might not apply to you.

Previous behavior: When users search for a term ("loads" in the example below), the Labels filter drop-down menu highlights the labels that are present in the content returned in the search results. Labels that are not part of the returned search result content are greyed out.

New behavior: The Labels drop-down menu now shows all available labels, regardless of whether they are used in the content or not. The user can then select any Label filter from the list to fine-tune the results. (If the user selects a label that is not applied to any of the search results for the searched term, zero results will be displayed.)

Real-time Virus Scanner supported on AWS communities

Starting with the 19.4 Release, the real-time virus scanner is now fully supported on AWS communities. Learn more about the real-time virus scanner.

Sunset of API Proxy for Community API

We will be sunsetting the API Proxy when used to authenticate calls to the Community API over HTTP with OAuth 2.0 authorization grant flow with the Community 19.10 release (October 2019). This change will primarily affect customers who have used OAuth 2.0 to authenticate calls to the Community API. We will also be deprecating the GET /validate/oauth endpoint used to validate the OAuth access token and replacing it with the new GET /validateToken endpoint.

Instead of going through the API Proxy service, all Community API calls will be routed directly to Community servers. Because we will no longer be going through the API Proxy, calls authenticated with OAuth 2.0 will no longer use the API Proxy URL structure.

  • Customers who do not currently use OAuth 2.0 for API authentication but who choose to use it with 19.4 release or later must use the updated API URL structure described in our latest OAuth 2.0 authorization grant flow guide. (We have also updated our API v1 and API v2 guides that describe the Community API URL format and our guide for obtaining API keys.)

  • Customers who have made Community REST API calls authenticated with OAuth since 19 April 2019 should begin migrating calls that use the API Proxy URL to use the new URL structure. There is a grace period of six months where the API Proxy URL will continue to work without interruption. Khoros Support will reach out to customers who fall into this category before Stage sites are upgraded.

See full details and an FAQ in this blog post.

New API URL for Community API v1

The Community API v1 call URL for all calls to the Community API now looks like this:



  • COMMUNITY DOMAIN  is the host URL of the community
  • OBJECT PATH is the path to the object you want to work with
  • METHOD PATH is the method to call


New API URL for Community API v2

The Community API v2 call URL for all calls to the Community API now looks like this:



  • COMMUNITY DOMAIN is the host URL of the community
  • VERSION is the version of the Community API: Always 2.0
  • RESOURCE is the API v2 resource to work with


This is the API URL structure for an API call to the Khoros Community[RESOURCE]

You Found It. We Fixed It.

  • Characters in content, user, and product mention text are now counted accurately in the character count for a message.
  • We fixed an issue where emojis were affected by bold, italics, strikethrough, and other options from the rich text editor menu options.
  • We improved the Edit Page load time on mobile devices for communities with Editor v2 enabled.
  • The publishing history now correctly shows the time that a version went live, rather than showing the time the version publish flow began.
  • We fixed an issue where customers were experiencing an exception when attempting to go to the Publishing page.
  • We fixed an issue where TKB articles appeared to be sorted incorrectly (by latest revision time) instead of by publish time.
  • Content filters that should only apply to public messages no longer affect private messages.
  • Permissions in the Product category were not being respected, enabling users without Product permissions to add product associations to posts. We have fixed this issue. Product Permissions are now respected for all users.
  • Users are now receiving rank up notifications in the notification feed when the achieve a new rank.
  • We have fixed the issue where accepted solutions were still being floated to the top of a thread in nodes where the Features > Accepted Solutions > Float Accepted Solutions on the top of threads settings was disabled.
  • We have fixed the issue where previews of images in the Awaiting Approval or Rejected status were not being displayed in the Moderator console for AWS communities.
  • We have solved the issue where kudos on comments in Idea Boards were disabled on Responsive communities. (To enable kudos for idea comments, you must disable the "Allow kudos only on top-level posts in discussions" setting from Idea's node level under Idea exchange admin > Features > Kudos).
  • We have fixed the issue where attempting to mention certain community members did not work. Now, all matching members appear in the mention list.
  • We have fixed the issue where having an extra (trailing) space after a user name when performing a search returned no results.
Updated 9 months ago
Version 7.0


  • RayC's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    6 years ago

    Rtoluchuri I'd be happy to discuss in further details the issue you're seeing. I'll PM you. 

  • Warren_Brill - We've also got Message Editor V2 on our staging, I requested it for early access and we have a few issues as well. I opened a support case for it a few weeks back and am working with them 😊

  • We've had some requests for the ability to mute all contributions from a particular member or members. 

  • Hi, I need some clarity on the 1st new feature "Mute All Notifications" mentioned in the release notes above. It is mentioned above that the code in the red colour has to be added in the specific locations of the text and HTML versions of the General Subscription Notification email template. But the place where this code is supposed to be added doesn't exist in the General Subscription Notification email template in my studio for text and HTML version both. Note that the environment I'm trying to do this is running on 19.4 version. For example, I'm putting the whole text version which is coming in the template in my studio. You can see that the code mentioned above for text version (apart from the code in red) does not exist below. Can somebody explain to me why it is like that?

    Hi ${notification.recipient.login},
    #set ( $eventUser = "")
    #set ( $eventUserRanking = "")
    #set ( $eventText = "")
    #set ( $eventDetails = "")
    #set ( $eventDetails = "and has requested a review")
    #set ( $eventDetails = "and has requested it to be published")
    #if ($notification.newlyVisible || !$notification.message.edited)
    #set ( $eventUser = "${}")
    #set ( $eventUserRanking = "${}")
    #if ($notification.moved)
    #if ($notification.merged)
    #set ($eventText = "merged a")
    #set ($eventText = "moved a")
    #set ( $eventText = "posted a new")
    #set ( $eventUser = "${notification.message.lastEditUser.login}")
    #set ( $eventUserRanking = "${}")
    #if ("${notification.message.board.discussionStyle}" == "tkb")
    #set ( $eventText = "edited an")
    #set ( $eventText = "edited a")
    ${eventUser} (${eventUserRanking}) ${eventText} ${notification.message.localizedObjectType} in ${notification.message.board.title} on ${notification.formattedDateForMessageEdit} in the ${community.title} ${eventDetails}:
    #if (${} == "subject_and_body")
    Subject: #if ($notification.message.subject) ${tools.unescapeHtml($notification.message.subject)}#else ${notification.message.subject} 
    #if (${notification.displayPlainTextSignature})
    #if ($mailActions.canReplyByEmail)
    You can respond to the ${notification.message.localizedObjectType} at the following URL:
    #if ($mailActions.canMarkAsSolution)
    You can accept the solution to the ${notification.message.localizedObjectType} at the following URL:
    #if ($mailActions.canGiveKudos)
    You can give kudos to the ${notification.message.localizedObjectType} at the following URL:
    Subject: #if ($notification.message.subject) ${tools.unescapeHtml($notification.message.subject)}#else ${notification.message.subject} 
    You can view the body of the ${notification.message.localizedObjectType} at the following URL:
    To control which emails we send you, manage your subscriptions and notifications here: 
    or unsubscribe here: ${emailUrls.getTapestryUrl("/user/RemoveUserEmailPage/user-id/$$trackingKey")}


  • SumitP's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    6 years ago

    Caty yes, you are right. There is no change to the Bulk Data API calls for now.

  • Hi. We will be moving from 19.3 to 19.5 shortly and have a few questions about the new editor.

    I see a few comments about experiencing issues. What types of issues are you having?

    Are there any issues with reverting from v2 to v1 (if needed)?

    We made customizations to the toolbar in v1. Will these customizations be able to be converted to v2 and/or what would need to be done to bring the customizations forward?

    Thanks for any information!

  • SohilM's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    6 years ago


    You should be able to move to Editor v2. Customisations from v1 will be carried forward to v2 

    Issues mentioned in the above thread are being resolved and will be backported to 19.5 

    Also, if needed, there are no issues in reverting from v2 to v1. However, if you really face any issue due to which you are blocked, please post on Running list of Editor v2 Issues?. Support and I will help you get them resolved so that you do not have to revert at all 😊