Khoros Community and Manage View: Crisis Scale
If you're operating a Khoros Community, here's a tip for simplifying moderation and community management, especially with crisis-related increases in visitors and new posts: use Khoros Care, and tap both the Agent and Manage View tools. They are the fastest and most scalable tools for running a great community. And as your customers seek to increase their online engagement with you now is a great time to dive into these Khoros solutions.
But first...Manage View? If you own a Khoros community, there's a good chance that you're using either Moderation Manager, our legacy management tool, or the Agent tools in Response. Especially if your community moderators are operating in a blended role--both moderating and resolving issues--you probably already use our agent tools. Khoros Response provides super-scalable, full-featured digital engagement with conveniences including fly-outs, fast-access to commonly used functions, and more as shown here.
So what's Manage View? Manage View, available to all Khoros Care customers (it's part of Response) is purpose-built to help you spot posts and conversations that need attention. These can be in your community, in social channels like Facebook, or in messaging services like Whatsapp or Khoros Brand Messenger. Like all Khoros Care products, channels are abstracted and workflow is unified. So working across and adding channels is easy and doesn't require agent re-training.
But here's what's really cool: when you use Manage View to run a Khoros Community you get, out of the box, a virtual community command center. Want to track specific boards individually? Built-in. Want to see the latest or higher priority posts, or only posts mentioning specific topics or by certain author ranks? Also built-in. And as posts are spotted in the community that require attention you can handle them directly in Manage View or transfer the conversation to an agent, expert, or other specialists: from Manage View you can push work straight to a subject matter expert in the Response Agent view who can immediately go to work on it. And you can track it all without leaving Manage View.
Agent and Manage View work seamlessly together, with performance and results available in real-time in Khoros' patent-pending Analytics tools.
The best part? Manage View is easy to set up: a few clicks and whatever interests you in your Khoros Community is organized into sharable views. Collaboration is simplified, whether working with other mods, community managers, agents, or seniors managers and executives. It's the way to manage your community.
If you're running a Khoros Community, and if you've seen activity pick up, consider Khoros Care's Manage View. And even if your community activity isn't changing dramatically right now, the impact from current events are likely to produce long-lasting shifts in how business is done, and how consumers choose to engage. Community is likely a part of your going-forward business strategy, and so developing now the skills and disciplines to manage community growth at scale is essential. Make Manage View part of your solution. It's part of Response, it works alongside our Agent and Analytics tools, and it's available now.