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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Marketing Release Notes, April 2022

BryanN's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
3 years ago

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New Features and Updates released in April


  • Comparative metrics improvements
  • Time Series widgets in Marketing Dashboards
  • Distribute columns in widgets


  • Smarter sourcing within Intelligence

You found it. We fixed it.


Comparative metrics improvements

The percent change click-in now show posts from the comparative date range in order to make comparisons between the two time frames. This applies to the following Explorer widgets:

  • Account Explorer
  • Channel Explorer
  • Format Explorer
  • Label Explorer
  • Ad Account Explorer
  • Ad Campaign Explorer
  • Ad Objective Explorer
  • Ad Placement Explorer
  • Ad Set Explorer

The comparative date selector added in last month’s update has also been improved. Pre-populated “previous” options that referenced the current date have been swapped with previous options referencing the main date selector.

Time Series widgets in Marketing Dashboards

A new series of customizable time series widgets will allow users to view performance over time by breaking data down into time intervals. The widgets include a hover state and click-in that shows the posts connected to the date and channel.

Currently only the Post Performance Over Time widget is available. The Account Performance Over Time and Ad Performance Over Time widgets will be released soon.

Learn more in Definitions: Social Marketing Widgets.

Distribute columns in widgets

There is now an icon in the widget editing menu that evenly distributes columns in widgets that have them.

This eliminates the need to manually adjust columns after adding or removing them. Additionally, text will automatically wrap in column headers so there is no need to expand the column to fully see the text.

Learn more about how to Edit and filter widgets.


Smarter sourcing within Intelligence

We analyzed product data and had conversations with some of the world’s leading brands on how they use social listening to capture reliable insights, and found that what differentiates the best performing brands from the rest is that their use of such social listening tools is deliberate, focused, and disciplined. Your starting point should always be to come up with a focused question.

Searches that are too broad tend to pull in billions of pieces of content, as they are generic and not in the context of the brand. Such broad queries don’t offer utility in a brand’s day-to-day campaign work.

Now, when you land on Intelligence and run a search, we will run a quick check based on our algorithms to see if the search is a focused one or a broad one.

If we detect that it is a broad search, we will display a pop-up that will advise you to reframe your query and make it more specific.

Note: We expect this change will only affect the broadest of query searches (the top 1% of broad searches being pulled).

Learn more about Search best practices.

You found it. We fixed it.

  • Image widgets are now supported when sharing Marketing Dashboards externally (see Monitor Walls in Share a Dashboard for more information).
Updated 9 months ago
Version 2.0
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