Forum Discussion

neel_psl's avatar
7 years ago

'...view more' option on Idea Exchange Page, functionality understanding.

Hi  All, [TariqHussain]


I wanted know one thing about view more options,

As of now what i understand as a default functionality of '...view more' is, when we click on it, it takes us to new page, the idea page of that particular idea.

But we want the full body of that idea to be displayed on the idea exchange page it self inside the same idea only?

As i have seen this functionality on other communities so whether it is OOTB functionality which can be configured through Community Admin or it's a custom functionality?

How can we achieve this functionality?




  • neel_psl  That may be a custom functionality as there are no such settings to show the full body of idea on idea exchange page.  Even in custom functionality, it would not look good if the body will contain too many lines. 

  • neel_psl - Just pass truncateWithMessageLink="false"  inside message-view.widget.body component. 


    <component id="message-view.widget.body" truncateWithMessageLink="false" > 


    • neel_psl's avatar

      Thanks TariqHussain,


      By making this attribute as false, it is showing the complete body inside the ideas but what we want is it should show, '...view more' option and once we click on it, it should expand the complete the body of that particular idea is to be shown. So is this thing possible??



      • TariqHussain's avatar

        neel_psl- It just matter of adding CSS and JS code.


        CSS - Give max height to body and overflow hidden.

        JS - While clicking on view more remove max-height and overflow hidden.


        View more button will not be available after making the attribute to false. For that either you can place custom view more button or you can create custom body component.


        Fiddle for height animation.