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How We Built It: Custom Community Banners
5 MIN READ Custom community banners are a great way to enhance the user experience throughout your Community. In Atlas, we use custom content to draw attention to important features, direct users to useful pages, and share news from our team.558Views4likes1CommentliqlAdmin in khoros aurora graphql API
Hi Folks, I want to add roles to the users using graphQL API given below. const ADD_USER_ROLE_MUTATION = gql` mutation addUsersToRole($roleKey: RoleKeyInput!, $users: [UserIdInput!]!) { addUsersToRole(roleKey: $roleKey, users: $users) { result { id name } } } `; const [addUserRole] = useMutation(ADD_USER_ROLE_MUTATION); addUserRole({ variables: { roleKey: { roleName: "role" }, users: [{ id: userId }] } }); The issue I am facing is that when this mutation is executed by an Admin user, the role is successfully added to the target user. However, when the same mutation is executed by a normal user, it fails to add the role due to permission denied errors. Is there a parameter or keyword that can be used in this mutation to allow a normal user to update their own roles or self-related data? For example, in Khoros Classic, we can use the liqlAdmin keyword in REST API requests to bypass such permissions. Is there an equivalent for GraphQL in Khoros Aurora? Thanks in Advance.Join node/group 301 API error
Hi, I was able to implement Leave node successfully using membership API(Javascript). But Join node API is returning 301 error and I don't see error details, can we see actual error details to find the issue? Code: I am calling below function on button click. function joinNode() { const options = { method: 'POST', headers: {Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} }; console.log(options); fetch(''+groupID + '/membership_requests', options) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => console.log(response)) .catch(err => console.error(err)); } Error details from console: POST 500 {status:'error',message:'An unexpected error occurred.',data:{…},metadata:{…}}data:code:301 developer_message:"" more_info:"" type:"error_data" [[Prototype]]:Object message:"An unexpected error occurred." metadata:{} status:"error" [[Prototype]]:ObjectSolved135Views0likes3CommentsHow do I get the article ID in Freemarker in a TkbArticle?
This is Community Classic. I'm trying to write a component to display something from a hidden field (canonical_url) while on the page of a TkbArticle. It doesn't appear that either or work in anything Tkb related. What other options do I have to retrieve this information in the context of the page itself?Solved91Views0likes3CommentsHow to retrieve "Internal reason for ban" field
Hi all, We are looking to extract some data from the "User bans" report in the (Classic) Community Admin interface, under "Mod Tools" > "User bans". When we go click on "Edit" on a particular user, we see the field "Internal Reason for ban;" how can we get a full list of banned users including the reason for ban? Is that field available via API somehow? I wasn't able to find anything. Thanks for any help, LeeTips on keeping stage and prod in alignment?
Hello developer friends! I am newer to GitHub, so please forgive me if I use the wrong terms here. :) I was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks on how to "roll back" stage changes to bring staging back in line with prod on a regular basis? I've searched for how to do this more broadly, but what I've found doesn't seem to align well with a situation like Khoros, where there are a few developer admins with GitHub access, but everyone else is making changes directly on the site UI. Essentially, I want to be able to "undo" any unnecessary changes on Stage from people testing or experimenting before say, a Khoros update, so that we can test the new version with the site mirroring Prod as closely as possible. Any advice is welcome - and thanks in advance! :)17Views0likes0CommentsHow to fetch all labels associated with TkbArticlePage and count how many times each label is used
I’m working with the Khoros Community platform and need to fetch all labels that are associated/tagged with TkbArticlePage articles. Additionally, I’d like to get a count of how many times each label is used across different articles. Has anyone worked with the Khoros API or any custom reporting tools that could help with this? Any tips or examples of how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! VikasB VarunGrazitti66Views0likes1CommentGoogle Tag Manager and Google Analytics Setup in Aurora platform
Hello Guys, Anyone has setup the GTM and Google analytics in current version of Aurora Platform. We tried with the pagescript which is not working for us. IF anyone added implemented the same, then please let us know. Thanks DurgeshSolved142Views3likes5CommentsSetup content filter for arabic language
Hi guys, I'm trying to add a content filter for login names using regex functions (/t5/Community-Moderation/Examples-of-regular-expressions-for-content-filters/ta-p/39182). The aim is to prevent users from typing their user name in arabic letters. The regex I'm using uses different ranges of unicode sequences to do this. Unfortunately, this approach does not work: r:[\x00-\x2f,\x3a-\x40,\x5b-\x60,\x7b-\xc3,\xc5-\xd5,\xd7-\xdb,\xdd-\xde,\xe0-\xe3,\xe5-\xf5,\xf7-\xfb,\xfd-\xff] If I write the regex using arabic letters instead, the filter works fine, but I'm not sure that this regex matches all existing arabic letters: r:[غظضذخثتشرقصفعسنملكيطحزوهدجبا] Does someone handled some similiar issues and got some best practices or advices how such content filters should be configured? Thanks and kind regards, Christian124Views0likes1Comment