Accordion display for FAQ sections
Hi All,
Just thought I'd share a simple customization I did recently.This is very easy to apply, but might be desirable as a visual improvement for some communities.
The customization is to display FAQ questions in accordion like format, when only one questions is visible at a time, and some simple effects for hiding / showing questions are applied.
What's required to implement:
1. Create a custom component with the following script: (Note added css to the component for this example - ideally should be placed into the skin, but will also work from custom component)
Note css applied to div.faq-content li - this helps the smoothness of the expanding section.
<style> div.faq-content .faq-question { text-decoration:none; font-size:20px; display:block; } .faq-answer{display:none;} div.faq-content li { position:relative; overflow:hidden; } </style> <@liaAddScript> (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $('.faq-question').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(".faq-answer").hide('slow'); $(this).next().not(':animated').slideToggle(); }); }); })(LITHIUM.jQuery); </@liaAddScript>
2. Add the above custom component to the FAQ Page quilt.
and voila! :) Hope somebody finds this useful!