Forum Discussion

WStoverMDP's avatar
12 years ago

Adding a class to the <body> tag



Is there a way to add a class to the <body> tag for our community?


For example:  <body class="CategoryPage lia-body desktop" id="lia-body">


I am currently adding this class with javascript, but I would like to avoid this solution if possible.


document.body.className += “ desktop”;




2 Replies

  • Hi,

    As far as I know you can not add the custom Body tag. From your sample code I can understand that you are trying to differentiate the Client whether Desktop or Mobile. If this is the case you can use different CSS file configuration in Studio for different Devices, Lithium will identify the client and serve the right CSS styling.

    Please refer the below link for different Skin configuration

  • Inactive User's avatar
    Inactive User
    9 years ago

    I've written a script to do that, that I've placed in a custom component called custom.AddBodyClasses which I then add to the STUDIO > PAGE > COMMUNITY > FOOTER quilt.


    In this case, I've used the script to add  the Core Node ID and the user level (Admin, Moderator, Staff, SuperUser).


    <#if ( >
       <#if user.registered >
        	<#assign userClass = ''/>
    		<#if == 1>
     		<#assign userClass = "user-admin"/>
         <#if == 2>
           	<#assign userClass = "user-moderator"/>
         <#if == 3>
           	<#assign userClass = "user-staff"/>
         <#if == 4>
           	<#assign userClass = "user-superuser"/>
    // ADDS cnid-[core node id ] to body tag
    function getBodyClass( input ) {
        //console.log( 'original',input );
        // if you want to replace or CAPITALIZE or uncapitalize anything, do it here, for example, if there's a custom page name or something you don't want to include. 
     //   input = input.replace( /CAPS/g, 'lowercase' );
    // replace underscores with dashes
        input = input.replace(/_/g,'-')
        var arr = input.split( '' );
        for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
            if ( /[0-9]/.test( arr[i] ) ) {
                // if its a number, leave it as is
                //console.log( "number, leave as is" );
            } else if ( /[A-Z]/.test( arr[i] ) ) {
                var org = arr[i];
                // if its uppercase, change it to lowercase and add a dash if not i == 0
                if ( i === 0 ) {
                    arr[i] = arr[i].toLowerCase();
                } else {
                    arr[i] = '-' + arr[i].toLowerCase();
                //console.log( 'changing uppercase',org,' to', arr[i] );
            } else if ( /[^a-z-]/.test( arr[i] ) ) {
                // remove anything else
                //console.log( 'removing',arr[i] );
                arr[i] = '';
        var output = arr.join( '' );
       document.body.classList.add(  output );
    window.onload( getBodyClass( 'cnid-' + "${}" ) );

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