Forum Discussion

james_scee's avatar
11 years ago

adding extra parameters to the SSO auth cookie



We currently supply profile.language to the auth cookie via SSO, is it possible to supply other key values eg






4 Replies

  • cblown's avatar
    11 years ago

    Yes its possible. However you need to have a space for the setting to be created / copied on the Lithium side. You may need to create some small custom coding to retreive these values from the SSO object and have them stored into the custom profile / custom setting. It may also be done automatically... I can't recall. Either way you'll need to lodge a support ticket.  

  • DougS's avatar
    Khoros Oracle
    11 years ago

    Chris is correct, you should be able to add any user profile field -- like other fields in the sso token, use a pipe ("|") to delimit each setting and use <name>=<value> for the setting -- for example:


    Li|..first parts of sso token go here...|login|email|profile.name_first=john|profile.name_last=doe|iL


  • great, thanks for the replies, I'll give it a go and post how it goes