Forum Discussion

zehrabiz's avatar
12 years ago

Adding RankIcon inside translation key



I have a question regarding translation keys and Rank icons. 


We are customising rank notification based on climbing rank and would like to add the Rank Icon Left into the Private message created. 


Is there a way to add a "rank icon" inside a translation key, in a similar way RankName is added as below?


rankChanged.privateMessage.92.template.html_content= Congratulations, ${user.login}!<br>\n<br>\nAs the result of your contributions to the community, you have earned a new rank. Your new rank is <b>${rankName}</b>.<br>\n<br>\nYou can earn additional points by uploading pictures, giving Kudos and rating answers that were helful to you. Doing so you will reach your next rank fast and easy. At some point new ranks give you also new permissions - so go and be an active member to reach the next rank.<br>\n<br>\nWe appreciate your efforts and hope you will continue to be an active member of the community.<br>\n<br>\nThanks!<br>\n<br>\nThe ${community.title} Team<br>



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