Forum Discussion

PAULEM's avatar
7 years ago

AdminFaqPage - can I change the layout/quilt?

I would like to change the page layout for the AdminFaqPage page but I can't find this page in the Pages list.  Is it called something else or is it beyond my reach?  I can do some stuff with CSS that'll do the job but it would be easier and more consistent if I could simply apply our custom page layout to this page.  I get to this page via the link in the Community Dashboard widget.  Anyone know?  Thanks in advance ...

  • PAULEM - I have verified by directly accessing the quilt /t5/bizapps/bizappspage/tab/community%3Astudio%3Apage-editor?page=AdminFaqPage. However, it does not open anything. This page quilt is not exposed there.  I belive you have to update the design using CSS. You also can raise the ticket to lithium for the same. 

3 Replies

  • PAULEM's avatar
    7 years ago

    Hi TariqHussain

    Thanks for the quick reply. I've tried changing the page layout for the the 'FAQ Page' page (which you've identified) but it doesn't change the page layout for the page I'm seeing when I go to <communityURL>/t5/help/adminfaqpage.  

    PS: 'FAQ page' looked like the right page to me to! Weird huh!

    Regards, Paul

  • PAULEM - I have verified by directly accessing the quilt /t5/bizapps/bizappspage/tab/community%3Astudio%3Apage-editor?page=AdminFaqPage. However, it does not open anything. This page quilt is not exposed there.  I belive you have to update the design using CSS. You also can raise the ticket to lithium for the same.