Anyone actually querying a TKB by Product Category Successfully?
In my staging environment, I am trying to write a component that processes the following LIQL query:
SELECT subject,view_href FROM messages WHERE = 'MyBoard@tkb' AND = 'MyCategory' AND products.includes = true ORDER by metrics.views DESC LIMIT 5
This example is directly from the documentation, with my goal to get the top viewed assets in a given product category.
This query, however, returns zero results.
If I query for messages for a specific product like the following, I get results:
SELECT subject,view_href FROM messages WHERE = 'MyBoard@tkb' AND = 'TheProduct' ORDER by metrics.views DESC LIMIT 5
If I query the products in the product category ID 'MyCategory' I get the expected list of products.
SELECT id FROM products WHERE = 'MyCategory'
Anyone else doing this successfully?
Unfortunately, I've had a support ticket on this open for a few months with no movement or resolution.