API Access issue with / without SSO
Hi Everyone, I am migrating discussions from another platform to a board here.
Initially we created an account that was not using SSO, so I was able to create a script that would login with user.login and user.password.
That worked all fine, however I think company admin script has likely cleaned up accounts that were not linked to an SSO account, so I am unable to proceed.
To get around that we created a new SSO account, and linked that to the API account we used earlier.
However this also means I have to get the token from the SSO client, rather than directly through username password.
I was told that I could use the LISESSIONID that is generated through a browser login and stored in a cookie, and use that. Since this is more or less a one-time exercise, that would solve my issue, however I am running in some problems.
The error message I get is that I am not authorized to make this request.
{"status":"error","message":"You are not authorized to make this request","data":{"type":"error_data","code":203,"developer_message":"","more_info":""},"metadata":{}}
The account does have API privileges, so not sure what is happening... Any help is appreciated.
Richard Korff