Api V2 Update message version 2 does not work
I use api v1 to move a message which works however when I try and assign a parent to it to make it nested after moving it , it does not update the parent or topic. Following the documentation correctly here https://developer.khoros.com/khoroscommunitydevdocs/reference/messages-1#update-message . It's not clear what requirements are needed to update the message but the documentation says those two properties parent and topic should be updatable.
<#assign pathConstruct = "/messages/id/${messageId}/move/board/id/${newBoard}" />
<#assign apiResults = restadmin(pathConstruct) />
<#assign messagePostCallParent = restBuilder()
"type": "message",
"parent": "${parentIdParent}",
"topic" : {"id":"${parentIdParent}"}
.admin(true) />
<#assign respParent = messagePostCallParent.call() />