Forum Discussion

kgroneman's avatar
6 years ago

API wildcard?

What I want is to do something like this to return all users with a specific email domain .  Obviously this * doesn't work, but it gives you the idea of what I'm looking for.   Is there a way to do this with an API call?  Some kind of wildcard?*
  • kgroneman

    Unfortunately, no such API. But you can get it done with some customisations after fetching all the community users. 

  • kgroneman

    Unfortunately, no such API. But you can get it done with some customisations after fetching all the community users. 

    • kgroneman's avatar

      Thanks.  Too bad.  I can get it from the user reports and filter a spreadsheet, but that's much more of a hassle.  I was hoping for an api solution. :-(

      • luk's avatar

        Yeah, an API v2 / LiQL like operator would have been helpful many times and would be for this as well... something in the likes of:

        SELECT id FROM users WHERE email LIKE '%@emaildomain.tld'

        unfortunately it does not look like we get something like that in the near future... maybe DougS or RahulHa could reason for or against such functionality in the API?