Forum Discussion

savalemilind's avatar
8 years ago

Are any xml parameter for paging component?

Hi Team,


I am looking any xml parameter for full paging (number parameter) for top menu bar and bottom menu bar, center or right aligned so i can set into the quilt when i m putting paging component?




  • savalemilind

    Can I ask why number parameter only? Can you enlight it a little bit more what do you mean by full paging?

    MIght be the below example can give you the direction. 
     You can add a wrapper to the XML quilt and can use some CSS on that to align that component anywhere. 

    <component id="paging" wrapper="paging-css-class"/>

    A <div> having class pagination will wrap up the paging component. Using that class you can apply any of the CSS. 

    See screenshot here

3 Replies

  • savalemilind

    Can I ask why number parameter only? Can you enlight it a little bit more what do you mean by full paging?

    MIght be the below example can give you the direction. 
     You can add a wrapper to the XML quilt and can use some CSS on that to align that component anywhere. 

    <component id="paging" wrapper="paging-css-class"/>

    A <div> having class pagination will wrap up the paging component. Using that class you can apply any of the CSS. 

    See screenshot here

  • Thanks Vikas. But I would like to set wrapper for pagination component which is comes with comment list.

    So is it possible to set wrapper of pagination component of comment listing like contestSubmissionPage comment list?  

  • VikasB's avatar
    8 years ago

    Yes, you can wrap any of the components quilt in an XML view using wrapper attribute. 

    <component id="message-pager" wrapper="contestSubmissionPage comment list"/>

    Here you can see the wrapper of paging component for comment list. See screenshot