Forum Discussion

rdaviscc's avatar
13 years ago

Authentication issues

Hey All,


I am having an issue when it comes to authentication.  I am trying to pass in credentials through a query post like it mentions in the documentation.  I am doing all of this with a REST client from here. I have tried passing it in with the parameters and I have tried as basic authentication with no luck. I am working from within a stage environment and I am trying to access the metrics of a board between certain times. 


Can anyone offer any assistance as I am currently stuck on the authentication.

  • AdamN's avatar
    13 years ago

    You're right, to create a Lithium Registration account in production, the best approach would be to have our support team create it there. I proposed the alternative for stage because it's likely quicker and easier.


    Lithium SSO tokens are not generated by the communication application. There is a separate Lithium SSO library that your company would have installed on their servers to generate these SSO tokens. You would need to obtain the SSO token for your account via that Library.


    Once you've authenticated and obtained the session key, you can pass it to subsequent requests via the restapi.session_key query string parameter. See the index page of the JavaDocs for additional information on REST API session keys.

  • What's the error you see and what's the REST call you are making to authenticate?
    Also: Does your community use SSO or is it plain Lithium users?
  • I am getting a 302: failed to authenticate error. Yes it is using SSO.
    • AdamN's avatar
      Khoros Oracle

      Are you authenticating as a regular user or as an admin user? If you've been testing as an admin user, see what happens with a regular user account.


      Our application performs some additional security checks with admin accounts to ensure that the IP address in the SSO token matches the IP address of the user attempting to use that token. It sounds like your request might be failing that test. Testing with a regular account vs admin user will help confirm.

      • rdaviscc's avatar

        So I think I am having a disconnect as I have read everything I could about authenticating. Will I have to use SSO to authenticate in order to pull metric information about a board. In the documentation it appears that I can do a query the sessions/login?user.login=username&user.password=password but i get a 302 everytime.

        If i do have to use SSO, I assume that I need the key that Lithium gave us. Is this anywhere in the product itself?

        I appreciate the help as I am working with minimal time.
