Auto fill the registration_ID once receiving partially registrered email
I work on a Community where I want to import users through API or a CSV file. Once a user is pre-created, he receives an email to complete his registration (import partially registered user created template in the Studio email template). In the email (https://XXXXXXX/t5/bizapps/bizappspage/tab/community%3Astudio%3Atext-editor%3Aemail?email=import_partial_reg_user_created&lang=en), there is a link redirecting the user to the registration page, where he can create his account.
In this email, there is also a registration_id that the user needs to put in the registration form. We would like to put this registration_ID as a parameter in the registration link so that it is auto-filled on the registration form.
Would anybody know how to do this?
Thanks in advance,